

Looking Back: March

March is the month of madness! I finally did my taxes (mostly), got a lot of stuff done in the yard/around the house and spent a lot of time with friends who I had not seen in a while. I am feeling like I need to schedule a couple of down days in April before the summer comes along and things get too crazy.

Running: This month I got back on the horse and logged about 215 miles of running with about 43,000 feet of climbing. In addition, I hiked 11 miles with an additional 2,700 ft of climbing. My strength training has been pitiful, and this month I logged none. However, I did do one day of plumbing work (digging and crawling and lifting) and two very physical days of gardening (moving rocks, digging, carrying dirt) and one less physical day of gardening (raking, pulling weeds, mowing with a push mower). I am calling this strength training, and in that case, I did it roughly once a week! On top of that, I cycled a little over 15 miles, which is about 4 round trip commutes.

Reading: This suffered a lot in March due to the fact that I was outside gardening or fixing plumbing or running. By the time that was all done, there was no brain power or time left over for reading! I ended up reading 4 books and setting two down that I could just not get into. The ones I read were as follows (stars on those that satisfy the RHC).

Between the World and Me
A Manual for Cleaning Women*
Prisoner of Tehran*
Orhan's Inheritance (would satisfy, but category already filled!)

Travel: Over Easter weekend, I was supposed to go to Ouray, CO and do some fun winter activities, but the day of my flight there was a huge snowstorm in CO and all flights were cancelled. So I took a camping trip to Yosemite instead! I also traveled up to see my brother and his girlfriend, and I helped them weed their garden, which was another day of strength training!

Mirror Lake

Tenaya Canyon

What was your favorite thing about March? What book are you reading this month? What everyday activities do you use as your strength training? 


  1. You packed a lot into March! Nice work on all those miles!! What is your next race that you will do?

    My favorite thing about March was hosting my friend Nora for a weekend. It was fun to be a tourist in my own town and the girl time was great. Right now I am reading "Tisha" for a postal book club I am in, and I'm also reading "WomanCode" which is about the female cycle and how our eating impacts it/impacts our overall health. It's pretty interesting but I'm reading it in chunks instead of all in one go because it's a lot of science/information.

    None of my everyday activities really count as strength training right now, but when I move in with Phil (yep, that's happening! More on that in email sometime), I'll have more opportunities to do activities that are strength training, like yard work and shoveling. I'm planning to plant a little garden in his yard so that will be a big job for me as I need to take over a section of grass to make the garden. But I'm excited to plant some veggies!

  2. Sounds like you had quite the busy month of March! Those are some gorgeous pictures. I'm currently reading a book called Witness. Struggling to get into it for some reason though

  3. I wish I had been able to get that much mileage in march. You had a really full month! Very cool.

  4. Ahm, you read FOUR books in March. That is not nothing. I didn't even finish one.

    My highlight in March was visiting with my family and going skiing for 7 days <3

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  6. Yosemite and time with fam sounds pretty awesome! Glad you made lemonade out of snowstorms and cancelled flights. Happy spring!!!

  7. March was totally nuts on my end, too! Great running and reading even as things were so busy for you! My favorite thing about March was definitely my Costa Rica trip. I like to do yoga as my strength training, but I haven't made my weekly class for the past month due to travel and meetings.


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