

Looking Back: February

This month felt shorter than normal! Ha. That was a joke... Really though, February did go by fast, but that is what happens when you are working on the weekdays and are active on the weekends!

Sunrise over lake Tahoe

Running: I felt like I did a lot of running in February, but I ended up with 84 miles of trail running, 50.5 miles of road running (including Jed Smith) and 4 miles on the treadmill for a total of 138.5 miles. I also had 9 miles of cycling, 20 miles of snowshoeing and 20 miles of skiing. This is not keeping in track with my yearly goals for either running or cycling, so I need to pick up the pace!

Reading: This month I only ended up reading three books, but all of them satisfied a category on the Read Harder Challenge.

The Taming of the Queen by Phillipa Gregory (4 stars)
Euphoria by Lily King (3 stars)
The Lake House by Kate Morton (4 stars)

Travel: In February, I went to Tahoe twice; the first time was with the family, where we went skiing and snowshoeing on the TRT and we watched the sun rise over the lake in the morning. The second time was with a group of running friends, where we trekked up a steep mountain the first day (to 10,000 ft) and over a frozen lake the next. Both trips were really cool and it was fun to get some winter cross training in at the same time!

Going down Round Top Mountain

In addition to all of the above, I also spent a lot of time digging in the yard. I am trying to get the backyard ready for spring and my to do list for that is quite long. I built a wall out of cinder block so that I can have a place to plant more stuff and now I need to set up the drip system and possibly build more raised beds. Each thing takes longer than expected, so of course, the going is slow.

The new wall. This corner is a work in progress! 

How was February for you!? Did it seem short to you? Have you started any spring projects yet? 


  1. Sounds like you had a really fun month! February flew by for me as well. It was a busy month as we went to Mexico and spent a weekend at my parents' and then I left for a work trip at the end of the month. It was a productive month, though, as I got rid of a whole lot of stuff, but I did not log many miles which is sad. :(

    No spring projects here... We got a taste of spring weather last weekend and Phil did some yard work but it will be awhile before spring is really here (I think we are getting some snow this week). I'm mostly focusing on continuing to go through my belongings and seeing if there is more I can get rid of as I know I'll be moving in the next couple of months.

  2. February was incredibly busy for me, and I felt like I was constantly on the proverbial hamster mill and getting nowhere with a bunch of different projects. Unfortunately, I was sick for a week so my mileage was on the low side. I'm jealous of your snowshoeing and skiing miles. We've had nothing but sleet and ice and melt this month here.

  3. very cool! Glad you got such a fun month. I thought it felt loooooong, but that happens some years. Bring on the spring!

  4. Glad to hear you had a fun month. Take a look at the website for the latest craze in kids micro-scooters.


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