

Looking Back: December

December was packed full of fun and family and food! I am sad to see it go, while at the same time am looking forward to starting a new year full of fresh new things! I am going to keep this one short, as I mostly already talked about a lot of these same things in my Best Of posts.

Running: I picked things up at the end of the month and managed to run 142 miles in December. In addition, I had 4 strength training sessions, 15 miles of biking and 6 miles of hiking. All in all, I would call it a success, as my total "activities" equaled 40. My goal for the month was 30, but the fact that I ride to AND from work, equaling 2 activities per day, really upped the numbers more than I thought it would.

Reading: In December I read 5 books; my favorites were:

The Beekeeper's Apprentice: A fun play on Sherlock Holmes with a new assistant, teenager Mary Russel. Its fun to see them solve mysteries and to see the inner workings of Holmes' mind through Mary's eyes.

The Architect's Apprentice: Set in late 1500s in Istanbul, this is an interesting glance at life in those times. We get to meet a white elephant, the sultan, his architect and the 4 apprentices and to learn their stories.

 Inside the O'Briens: Another good book by Lisa Genova (Still Alice) which goes into the heartache that comes to families along with Huntington Disease. Like Still Alice, I couldn't put it down.

Travel: December was mostly filled with holiday travel, and I got to see many old friends and family and to meet many new family members as well!

What was December like for you? What are you reading right now? 


  1. Dang, you packed a lot of activity and reading into the month of December which is impressive since it is already such a busy time of year! December was not a good reading or running month for me but I did go to yoga a lot and did more strength training, which is good. December was fun but I was happy to see the month end. I got a lot of questions from people about whether Phil had proposed or whether I thought he would propose and blah blah blah. Which gets old real fast.

    Right now I am reading A Pig in Provence which is a food memoir about Provence.

  2. You managed to fit in a lot of exercise and reading in December- I'm impressed! Mine was busy with traveling to see my family and then traveling for Christmas

  3. You did a lot in December! I haven't read 5 books in the past 6 months, let alone in 4 weeks!

  4. You did manage to fit in a lot for such a busy month. That's a lot of reading and running! I am in between books right now, anxiously waiting for a few to come in at the library!

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