

Be It Ever So Humble: The Ten Cent Tour

I have had several requests from people to give everyone a tour of my "new" house.  I have to admit, I have been putting it together little by little and it's still not fully settled in, so that is why I have been stalling on the "house tour". Three months after I moved in, I finally got a couch, and I am still working on sorting things out and deciding where their place in the house (or the Goodwill bag) will be.

The new house is a 2 bedroom, 1 bath and is about 1,000 SF. The reason I chose it was that the location is convenient to the freeway and public transportation. I also really loved the hardwood floors and the large backyard. It's also on a dead end street, and only has 8 houses on the street, which I see as a plus. Without further ado, here are a couple of photos of the new place.

Front of House (right before lots of raking!)

Front Porch (my parents made the wreath)



Living Room

Living Room

Living Room

"Office" (haven't figured this room out yet)

Sun Room / Reading Nook -- window seat

Sun Room / Reading Nook -- corner nook

As I mentioned and as you can see, I still have a long way to go! I need to put up photos, especially in the living room above the couch,  and I still need to organize things and do a major purge. I am not big on decorating, but have been having fun doing a few DIY projects, which I will have to share later. I have also done a bit of work to the front and back yard, but will have to save that for another post as well!

Do you like decorating? When you move, how long does it take you to get everything sorted in the new place? Where is your "go to" place for home decor?


  1. Your house is so cute! I love everything about it. As you might now, we just recently moved into a two-bedroom house, too and we're nowhere near done setting everything up. The biggest "hold back" for me is that I feel I wanna buy a lot of new stuff (but we have to prioritize!). I do like to decorate, but have a very eclectic taste, so it usually takes me a while to figure out what I want.

    My favorite places for decorations are Ikea, World Market and Target. Oh, and of course, you can always find unique things on Etsy :)

  2. Your house looks wonderful! I'm jealous of the floors (though I don't think hardwood floors are practical for Alaska) and your spacious kitchen. Because I love the idea of decorating but am not as good with the follow through, we still need to hang some things up that we acquired a year and a half or so ago for our house.....

  3. Your house is so cute! I love the flooring and the kitchen is so bright and beautiful! And I love that reading nook!

    I HATE decorating. Like truly, truly hate it. I don't even like to hang my own pictures on the wall so every time I move, my 2 best local friends who like to decorate come over and hang everything and I reward them with wine and a home-cooked meal. I usually try to get them to come over soon after I move so I can get things hung so I don't have stacks of photos cluttering up the place! I don't really have a go to place for home decor. I'm definitely a "less is more" kind of person and right now I have so many photos in frames that I don't really need much more for decor.

  4. Love your house, and your bicycle cushions are so cute! I've been in my place for 4 years and there's still lots of decorating to do, but it's taken a while for inspiration and motivation to strike.

  5. it's adorable! So cool. I know you're really enjoying the space and having such a permanent place to call your own.

  6. So cute, and I love all the different woods! You're doing a lovely job decorating.

  7. Your place is wonderful! Love the colour and it looks so bright :)

  8. I love it, makes me miss my first house. It had beautiful wood floors and was so open and airy. I love the paint color on the walls too.

  9. What a cute place, Kyria! I really like the floors too. It looks nice and open and fresh feeling. I am not good at decorating. I would prefer someone else do it for me the way I envision it, but I don't tree myself affording a decorator ever. :)

  10. We are nearing 10 years in our house and I feel like I'm still not done decorating hahaha. We still have a lot of hand me down furniture that needs to be updated to adult status! I love your kitchen!!! And the living room paint. LOVE!

  11. Oh my gosh your house is sooo cute! I have been waiting for you to share photos of it! It looks so perfect for you. The flooring is absolutely gorgeous and I love the fireplace! Also that reading nook is AMAZING. I want one in our next house so badly!! Eep, can't wait for my next visit to SF so I can see your adorable little place in person!

    I don't love interior decorating but I do love and appreciate well decorated spaces so I'm trying to get more into it! But dang is it ever expensive!!


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!