

A Bit of Color

In my industry, when we are looking for information, we ask for "color", as in, "can I get some color on that sale at Nordstrom?" And the person would say, "it's tomorrow from 8 - 5." 

Here's a "bit of color" about me: 

I am reading two books (one for the bus on my Kindle, one hardback for home) and they are The Architects Apprentice and The Beekeepers Apprentice. It's a coincidence that both of them have the word Apprentice in them!! Both are good so far! The Architect is about Istanbul in the 1500s; the Beekeeper is about Sherlock Holmes. I hope to finish both by the end of the year, which will bring my total books read this year to 77 books. 

I am looking forward to this weekend, when we will have our group holiday dinner for work, next week, which is a short week where I will go and visit family and friends, and a good night's sleep, which I may not get for another week or so, but whenever I get it, it will be great. 

I am eating a lot of "comfort" foods lately. Soups, stews and desserts have been on the menu a lot lately, and I need to get back into the habit of eating more healthy. 

I am planning my running schedule for next year with hopefully a couple of vacation trips sprinkled in. It's hard to plan around 5 other people's schedules (only one of us can have a day off at a time at work), summer plans, family things and races!!! I know, it's a hard problem to have... 

I am putting off buying the last of my gifts. I have to buy a gift for a coworker's wife for our holiday party and I don't really know her well and I have no idea what to get her! 

What are you reading? What should I get my coworker's wife? 


  1. Oh boy, it is hard to buy something for someone you don't know well. For me, when I'm in doubt, I turn to Anthropologie. I love their candles! Or if you know she likes to cook or bake, an apron would be a good idea. Good luck!

    I totally see what you mean about color. I think the industry 'term' we use most in jokes/casual conversation is bid. A lot of us say, "I do not have a bid for that" when we are trying to convey that we are not interested in something, whether it's an experience or something someone else is buying. Phil HATES it when I use that phrase, though, even though he understands what I mean since he trades for an asset manager.

    Right now I am reading "The Boys in the Boat" and it has been a slow read for me. I think it's a situation of "it's not you, it's me." It is well written and interesting, I've just been so tired and distracted lately with all the things I have to do! I am hoping to finish it tonight. Next I will read "Inside the O'Brien's" for my January book club. I saw you gave it 3 stars, though, so I'm thinking it won't be nearly as good as Still Alice.

    Can't wait to hear what races you will do in 2016!

  2. A bit of colour! I forgot all about that term but use to loathe it when used. it always felt like the person asking didn't know what was going on or was stalling when it was asked (and it was asked often!) on the last project I worked at in banking in the UK. I'm still in a finance related field but have moved away from investment banking in the past year and with it, have lost a lot of the finance culture & jargon.

    Buying for an unknown is really tough! I guess I'd think of it as like buying for a secret santa lucky dip which we sometimes do with the extended families (girls buy for girls, boys buy for boys). Is there anything you would really like for the budget? perhaps she would to?

    I'm reading a guide book at the moment trying to plan a holiday but have a few books on the bedhead to get into, hopefully over the coming weeks when I have a bit of time off.

    Eating - salads and iced coffee. We're having a hot run of it in Melbourne, due to get to 38c today for our work Christmas party so it's cold drinks and light meals. Anything that doesn't require the oven or even stove is fantastic.

    Happy run planning for 2016

  3. Buying for someone you don't really know is hard! What about a relaxation style basket? A bottle of wine, candles, gift card for a book store, etc. That's a hard one!

  4. I just finished a really creepy and disturbing book called Head Full of Ghosts. I'm still trying to figure out what to get my mother (gah!) so I'm no help with gift ideas.

    I feel you on seeking out the comfort foods. Right now it's sooooo dark and I'm working toward a deadline so I find myself going for the cheesy pasta dishes and cookies and wine. I figure the best strategy is for me to try to be sensible about portions until after the deadline and the holiday are past and then I can get more fully back on track.

  5. I am reading The Martian right now. I think it's fun!

  6. Ha this is a fun series, I might have to do it on my blog soon! I'm sure you already bought your gift by now since i'm so behind on blogs but a good default gift is usually a candle, tea or coffee I find!


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