

Looking Back: June

June was a whirlwind of a month full of good friends and some travel and lots of money hemorrhaging! Yup, you heard me right. June was not a happy month for my pocketbook, but it was a good month for friends. 

Running: I would like to say that my training was going well and that I am totally ready for my 100 mile race in a couple of weeks, but I would be lying. June was not a great training month, although I did try to step it up a little in order to feel semi ready for the big day. In June I had no races, but I did end up running 136 miles in the end. 

Reading: While I was not running, I did read a few (four, to be exact) books. None of them were that great. They were, in order of best to worst: 

- At Home by Bill Bryson (I did not finish this one -- it was good but there were a lot of facts and I was in the mood for a more frivolous book - 3 stars)
- The Girl You Left Behind by Jojo Moyes (3 stars)
- Mother Daughter Me by Katie Hafner (2 stars)
- Girls in Trucks by Katie Crouch (2 stars)

Travel: I did a lot of travel in June and much of it was in cars with other people, hence the reason I did not read as much, I think. At the beginning of June, I went to San Diego to crew/pace for a friend who was running a 100 mile race. I paced him in from mile 79 to the finish and he ended up getting 10th place! The next weekend was spent in South Lake Tahoe, doing trail work and a training run. I had a chest cold and the altitude really exacerbated that fact. It was really hard to run! The weekend after that I drove up to my parents' house to get some things from storage. It was a fun weekend with a lot of swimming and a run, but too soon it was time to load up the car and head home. The last weekend in June was spent crewing for a friend who ran the Western States 100M. He was such a champ and it was so inspiring (and daunting, thinking of myself doing the same thing in July) to see him push through and cross the finish line with pride. 


On top of that, my new category should be titled Home and Garden because there has not been a day that I have come home from work and just relaxed. There is always something to shovel, or to weed or to plant. There are things to be hung and cleaned and sorted. There is never an end to the things that need to be assembled or moved or painted. Basically I have been going to bed around 10 every night and getting up again at 4. There have been multiple trips to Costco and Home Depot and Target. I am a frequent flyer at It's been busy! was the month of June for you? What was your favorite weekend? Have you read any good books lately? 


  1. I love Bill Bryson books! and I also did not race in june, but didn't exactly still run 136 miles either. ha!

  2. Dang, your month of June was busy - plus May was busy, too! I hope that your 100 mile race goes well. I wish I lived close so I could come and pace you for part of it! I'll definitely be thinking of you on race day!

    June was a weird and stressful month for me. I started the interview process, accepted my job, and then had to wait for the background check to come back. And then I had to wait for my boss to decide when my last day would be (he just decided yesterday, 6 business days after I resigned). So yah, it was not my favorite month! But it's over! I didn't run as much as I normally would either so hopefully this is a stronger running month for me!

  3. YES! Being a home owner means a never-ending list of jobs to take care of. Hope you are enjoying it all though.

  4. I am always so amazed at how much you fit into a day, a weekend and a month! You are so busy and get so much done and June was no exception. I'd really like to see some house photos soon!! :)

    June was a busy one at work and my boss gave her notice at the end of the month so July has been even busier preparing for her departure!


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