

Looking Back: February

February was a strange month; to summarize: it was short, I did not run much, and it did not rain. We were lucky to have very nice weather compared to some of the other parts of the country; other than that, here are a couple of other things that happened.

Reading: Due to not running, I read 9 books this month. Most were only so-so, but there were a few that tickled my fancy, as well as one that I ended up not finishing, as I just wasn't in the mood for the genre. I don't really give books 5 stars, but there were a few that I gave 4 stars to:

Code Name Verity - Elizabeth Wein (this was my favorite of the bunch)
The Soldier's Wife - Margaret Leroy
Attachments - Rainbow Rowell
Wonder - R.J. Palacio

Running: This month was supposed to be the high month of my 100k training plan, which would be about 240 miles. However, first I sprained my ankle and then just as that was starting to heal, I got a really bad cold, which took me out for a couple of weeks. So it was not what I wanted it to be, and my race is not going to be what I wanted it to be, but I did manage to get some runs in, bringing my monthly total to about 140 miles.

Travel: Since I was sick, this month consisted of a lot of bed time. However, I did go to Sacramento for a race, and I took a little trip out of town for the long weekend for some hiking and snowshoeing.

Mt. Shuksan

Was your "short month" long or did it go by fast? Did you go anywhere for the holiday weekend?


  1. It seriiously felt like the longest month ever. February is busy at work with things I have due and meetings and man I felt it!

  2. February is always so busy for us - Mardi gras, Valentine's day, birthdays - and on top of that I was sick. I'm kind of glad it's over!

  3. Ugh, being sick sucks. But hopefully, you're rebounding so that March will be a really strong, healthy month for you.

  4. I'm so sorry you got injured AND sick! That's just no fun!

  5. I've only read 3 of the 4 books you read last month. I know multiple people that have read and really liked Code Name Verity so I will have to check that one out. February kind of went fast for me since it's a short month and our trip to Santa Barbara kind of broke the month up. But the weeks after we came back from vacation drug a little bit. It was a good month but I was glad to see it end because it was also a very cold month here. I'm hoping March brings warmer temperatures!


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!