

Lazy List Day

I am taking the lazy way out today and copying one of my favorite bloggers by doing a quick recap of the week, TGIF style.

The highlight of my week was my extra day off on Monday. I went for a leisurely run and it was a beautiful day and the sun was shining and I couldn't have asked for a much better day. Except if the day included a breakfast with thick cut bacon, an avocado bubble tea and a few really good craft beers, which Monday did include!

The low point of my week was a sickness that has taken hold of me. It started with an overall achy feeling and a minor sore throat and blossomed into a can-barely-swallow or concentrate kind of thing with a side of headache and exhaustion. It's really put a crimp in my running style, which was not really doing very well in the first place. 

The best book I read was probably Orange is the New Black. I am currently also reading Wonder and Behind the Beautiful Forevers, which are both really good so far.

This week's workouts were not super great. As I mentioned in the "low point" section, I have been sick for most of the week. Luckily I did get a chance to go hiking on Saturday and snowshoeing on Sunday, as well as my leisurely run on Monday. Other than that, I have been lying pretty darn low, workout wise.

The best money I spent was a on a lot of good food and a couple of new beers on Monday! I tried a 7 Seas Rude Parrot IPA, the Maritime Jolly Roger Christmas Ale and the Fremont Triple Trifecta.

My plans this weekend include some trail runs (hopefully) if I am not too sick, a lot of reading and relaxing if I am, and a bunch of errands, such as grocery shopping and cleaning.

What are your plans this weekend? What good books have you read lately?


  1. Ugh, that sucks that you got so sick! I hope that you are back to 100% soon! We do not have much planned this weekend, which I am really happy about. Today we are staying in and making dinner. Tomorrow morning I will run with my club if it's not freakishly cold outside and then I am meeting some college girlfriends for lunch. We have no plans for Saturday night, which is rare for us, but we'll come up with something! And then on Sunday I have a virtual baby shower for my friend Becky which I am excited for! She tried to get pregnant for so long so I am so happy for them! I also want to spend a good chunk of Sunday doing meal prep because I have been eating out way too much lately between being on vacation and coming back to an empty fridge.

    Feel better soon!!

  2. Oh I hope you feel better very soon. HATE being sick as I am sure you do too.

  3. I hope you feel better soon! Tonight I'm going to get sushi and drink wine and watch netflix! Tomorrow going to yoga and to the matinee with my mom - Wild has FINALLY come to my city and I can't wait to see it! Sunday I'm running my first race of the year, the hypothermic half marathon (road race) put on by the Running Room. Lucky me it won't be very hypothermic this year.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Found your blog and decided to give it a follow! :)

  5. Bummer that you got sick, but sounds like your Monday was a fun one! I can't wait to enjoy a few good beers and wine this summer! Hope you're on the mend now that the weekend is here!

  6. Hope you're feeling better...your ankle too! Loved the book Wonder. Read it aloud to my 4th graders last year. What a discussion we had!!!👍👍 Another great young adult book, When You Reach Me.

  7. Actually that book won the Newbury, small chap book compared to Wonder.

  8. I hope you're feeling better. I listened to Orange is the New Black through Audible and really enjoyed it.


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