

Currently: January

Wow - this week has flown by! I love short weeks because I still have the same amount of work to get done but less days to do it in, so the days go by very quickly. I have also been dog sitting, so I have been getting up even earlier in order to take the dog out before work. This makes for long days, but at the same time they seem to be very short. 

Current Book - I am all over the show lately with books. I am currently reading The Tipping Point on my Kindle and The Virgin's Lover in hardback and I have 2 other actual books checked out from the library and 4 e-books! I am on a roll this month though and have already read three books. Let's see if we can keep this train moving! 

Current Running Path - New Years Day run: Mt. Tam summit #1. Last year a local ran to the summit 100 times. It's about 2,500 ft high. Last year I ran to the summit once. Maybe this year we will make it twice!

Current Drink - Strawberry smoothie with coconut water and yogurt 

Current Excitement - I am in travel planning frenzy and am currently booking up all of my summer weekends...   

Current fashion trend - Ultra runners and their beards. Did you know there is a twitter page for ultra runner Rob Krar's beard? Beard is the new mustache. What's next, I wonder?  

Current Favorite Blog/Website - I have been digging Google Calendars lately. I have always used it, but I just set up a shared family page and even have my parents using it. It's fun and handy! 

Current Garden Item - dirt

Current Love - My magic bullet! I have been making smoothies and sauces and it's so fun and easy.

Current Food - My go to food has either been salads or baked potatoes lately. I am feeling a bit lazy in the cooking department these days. I blame the dark of winter.

Current Indulgence - Cookies. I am still riding the holiday snack train and I can't get off. 

Currently Pondering - What is going to happen to the Euro? Is anyone keeping up with the news regarding this? 

Current Mood - Tired. Too many things I want to do and not enough time for sleep.

Current New Find - A new running detour, which takes me to this view:


Current Peeve - People who don't pick up their dog poo. I ran in the dusk/dark tonight and almost stepped in a huge pile on the SIDEWALK. Yuck. This also reminds me of my peeve regarding lazy people. Grrr.  
Current Song - I have always liked this band, and this song is catchy!

Current Triumph - I broke down and bought a nice down jacket (the Ghost Whisperer) with some of my Christmas money. Why is this a triumph? Well, I got it at about half price and I have been wanting one for a long time but I have been biding my time... I am excited to try it out! 
Current TV Show -  I watched Orange Is The New Black and enjoyed it (and am waiting for the next season to be released on Netflix). I also started watching Breaking Bad (finally) and am about half way through the second season. So far so good.

Current Wish-List - There are a lot of things I wish for! I would love to have Scotty beam me somewhere from time to time... but realistically, I am still looking for that perfect sleeping bag that is lightweight and keeps me warm and doesn't cost TOO much (almost impossible). This is the one I am considering, but it is kind of expensive, especially since I would prefer the 20 degree option.

Currently Delaying - This sounds really gross, but the dog I am sitting had a tick and I had to remove it and it was nasty. Yesterday I found another one and today I am hesitant to check her again because I don't want to have to do any more tick removal. It's gross!

What are you delaying? What is your current triumph? What are you reading?


  1. Yuck, I hate it when people don't pick up their dog poop. So irresponsible and disgusting!!

    Europe is such a mess... It's crazy to look at their bond yields compared to ours. Everyone complains about how low our yields are but at least they are positive across the yield curve. :) I do think the Euro will survive but I think they are going to go through a lot of pain over the next couple of years and I would not be surprised if Greece exits the EU.

    I can't think of anything I'm delaying right now... My current triumph is how inexpensive our Santa Barbara trip is ending up being between having a free flight, a free night in a hotel room for our night in LA and getting a really good deal on a rental car! I've been reading a lot this month, I think I've finished 5 books? One of those was an audio book, though. Right now I am reading a collection of short stories called "Runaway" by Alica Munro for my local book club.

  2. Confession: I'm very much over beards. And the euro? What the heck? I am concerned that the European economy is going to have a gigantic impact worldwide, larger than we estimate now. And I agree with Lisa. It's time for Greece to leave.

  3. I loved all of Malcolm Gladwell's books, and I think The Tipping Point was my favorite. Such interesting ideas to ponder.

    Glad you're finally watching Breaking Bad. So good, right?

    And yes, the news about the Euro is troublesome. I think it's time for Greece AND Spain to bow out.

  4. Ugh our Canadian dollar is troublesome! It's dropping so quickly and is making me have to rethink our budget for Maui in April. I'm actually currently trying to book and pay in full for our car rental and pay the rest of our condo a month early because I don't know how much more it might drop!! Crazy that our dollar was on par with the US just over a year ago!!!

    I have been reading A LOT lately! I am on my 5th book for January and I've also listened to two audiobooks this month so I think I will end up finishing 7 total for the month which is quite a lot for me.

  5. We've just been talking about the Euro and how it's now going to be a tad cheaper against the UK pound which will benefit our travels. I don't want countries to start dropping out though, especially not Spain! Having to change all your currency every few hundred miles when travelling is not fun :-/

  6. Oh I LOVE your new running view. I kinda miss the marina and always try to get in a seaside walk every day or make sure we run along the cliffs. It's so soothing to be near the water.

  7. I'll have to check out those books- I'm always looking for good suggestions! I just finished The Vacationers and about to start The Orphan Train. I'm delaying starting The Orphan Train, lol. I know it's supposed to be great I just keep putting off starting!


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