

Friday Fun Day

Happy Friday everyone! I hope everyone has fun plans for the weekend. Here's a quick recap of the week.

The high of my week was...the Giants making it to the World Series! Let's go Giants, let's go!

The low of my week was...the volatility of the market this week. Although I did take advantage of it and I bought a few more shares of stock. It can be fun, but also stressful at times!

The favorite thing I read was....And The Mountains Echoed, a book by Khaled Hosseini. It was not quite as good as A Thousand Splendid Suns, but it was a really good read and it gave me a bit more insight on life in Afghanistan.

My favorite thing I heard was... this commencement speech from Navy Seal William McRaven, about why the little things, such as making your bed every day, do matter.

The best thing I spent money on was... nothing. I actually did not really spend any money this week. I guess if you count last weekend, I went out for lunch with my brother, and that was fun! However, during the week, I really only spend money on commuting and groceries, but this week I did not even go grocery shopping!

My plans this weekend include... meeting up with my parents for lunch and maybe a walk or hike on Sunday, and probably a nice long run and a bunch of much needed errands on Saturday.

How was your week? What do you have planned for the weekend?


  1. hurray for the Giants! I knew you would be happy about that!

  2. boooooo I wanted to see an I-70 world series! All Missouri.

  3. Hi! I just found your blog and am looking forward to reading!

  4. I LOVED And the Mountains Echoed. It was different from his other books but enjoyed all the different stories and how they were weaved together.

    My week was good as I was in Charleston for a conference. It was a lot of talking and a lot of eating, but all in all it was a good trip. The best money I spent was the $15 I spent on a spin class at a studio by the hotel. I did the spin class before a day that went from 8:30 am until 10 pm so at the end of the day I was very happy that I got a good workout in to offset some of the calories consumed!
    This is the only weekend I don't have visitors so I have had a pretty laid back weekend. Phil and I made dinner on Friday night (risotto), yesterday I practiced 2 Julia Child recipes which I brought to a couple's house for dinner and I went for a nice long bike ride with a friend. Today I am going to church and then doing my long run in the afternoon. I usually run in the morning but the last 2 weekends I have ran in the afternoon which has been nice as it's sunny and beautiful and not too warm this time of year!

  5. Congratulations to the Giants...I guess...But I'm an American League girl, so go Royals. Again, I guess...I'm underwhelmed, if you couldn't tell. :-)

  6. I am about 75 percent down with And The Mountains Echoed and I am a tad disappointed in it. And I put it down for 7 days so it's not keeping me too enthralled.


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