

Coffee Talk

Thanks for meeting me for a virtual coffee! I'm glad you're here!

If we were meeting for coffee today, I would get a large french roast with milk and splenda and you would get your favorite coffee and we would catch up on what we have been up to lately.

- I had a great time at New Years with friends. It was a very small group, which is the way I like it. I wore my comfy pants and ate a ton of crab and listened to Michael Jackson. At the end of the night though, two of my friends had an argument about whether or not one of their photos should be put on Facebook and one of them left in a huff. It was a strange beginning to the new year.

- I have started learning how to pickle things. Do you know how easy it is? It is so easy! All you need is some vinegar, salt , sugar , jars, dill seeds and peppercorns and whatever you want to pickle! Put the raw item in the jar, heat up the vinegar, salt, sugar and the spices to a boil, pour in the jar and voila! You have pickles. I didn't really use a recipe, but you could use this one if you want to give it a try. I made pickled cucumbers, picked green beans (dilly beans), green tomatoes, pickled jalapenos and pickled beets. So far, they have all been pretty good!

- I signed up for the Boston Marathon again (back in September). I looked into airline tickets the other day and they are Expensive! It may be because it is also Easter weekend, or maybe just that it's also the Boston Marathon, Patriots day and the Red Sox game...whatever it is, I can't decide whether I should buy them now because they may go up more, or if I should wait and hope they go down. I always do the same thing, wonder if I should buy now or wait.

- I started using the library again. For a while, I have been using the Kindle, especially since it if often lighter than the books I get from the library and it was giving me a backache to carry around the darn things! However, I am tired of reading the bargain books from Amazon and want some more recent ones, so back to the library I go! Of course, when it rains it pours, so I have about 10 books to pick up tonight after work!

Other than that, it's work, running and life in general. What have YOU been up to? What did you do for New Years Eve? Have you ever tried canning? What's your take on buying airline tickets? Do you use the library?


  1. I can quite a bit, and freeze stuff too, so nice to have it all handy. New Years eve I stayed home, I am boring like that. I haven't bought airline tickets in years. I am boring like that too ;)

  2. I'm feeling a little verklempt! Talk amongst yourselves. I'll give you a topic. The Hundred Years War was neither a hundred years, nor a war. Discuss!

  3. I did absolutely nothing for NYE. It was my lamest NYE ever as I ate leftovers, worked on a puzzle, and was in bed around 10 I think. I have not tried canning but my mom did a ton of canning when we were kids. I think when/if I have more storage space I would give it shot! Ugh, airline tickets. I always go back and forth on whether I should buy them or not. Have you ever looked at bing travel? It will tell you whether you should buy or wait as they try to predict if the price will go down. I use the library like it's my job! I mostly try to borrow eBooks because, like you, I don't like lugging around heavy books, but some books aren't available as eBooks. I picked up 6 books from the library this weekend. So many books to read, so little time! :)

  4. Wow that is lame about your friends on NYE!! Not fun! I had a great NYE - we got chinese food and hung out at my dad's with him and all of Eric's family. We played a few rousing games of cards and also learned how to play crib. It was fun.

    I do use the library. I have a love/hate relationship with it though because I usually have to wait for SO long to get books on hold and it never fails that they all come in at the same time (I just picked up three books from there!) so sometimes I can't get through them all before they are due back.

    As for the flights I always just tell myself there is a certain amount I'm willing to pay and when they hit that amount I buy and don't let myself worry about whether they would get cheaper or not. That's what I did with our Ireland tickets!

  5. I haven't canned for some time but used to make pickles, antipasto, jams, jellies, chutneys (pear is my fave) and can fruit. Good for you!

  6. No pickling here... I was in bed early on new years until the fireworks woke up my baby, Happy New Year! :-)

  7. Over coffee today I would have to brag on my garden. Got some seeds ordered and the beds are shaping up. But I'm sure my $11 seed order is nothing compared to a plane ticket to Boston!

  8. I'm so excited that you're doing Boston again! I hate the plane ticket decision- so hard to know!

  9. My local library has quite a few options for Kindle and e-readers. I can't get everything that I want to read that way but I can always get something I'm interested in reading for trips and what-not that way. I've been busy with the start of the semester and with trying to find decent but not nightmarishly expensive accommodations for our vacation to Hawaii in March.

  10. I'm not sure if my comment went said: Add to that that it is also April vacation week for schools! It's an expensive week!!! I am LOVING the jackets this year!! Can't wait to watch you fly by this year!!


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