

Randoms, Questions, and a Giveaway!

Happy Monday. Today is a random sort of day, so bear with me.

* I am sure you heard about the BART strike. Luckily I was on vacation last week and I missed the entire fiasco, which, I have been assured, WAS a fiasco. I normally take the casual carpool, which means I wouldn't be affected by the BART directly, BUT...all the extra people on the road instead of on the BART means that I would have been affected. So, hurray for accidental beautifully timed vacations.

* You probably also heard about the flight at SFO. Crazy, right? Did you see the photos? I know that people were killed, but I am really surprised it wasn't worse, to be honest. That plane was really badly burned!

* I have a lot of things going on in my life but absolutely no brain power to explain anything. Hence the bullet points. Do you think there is a direct or inverse relationship between the two?

* I went to Oregon for a week. It's just like where I grew up; there are mountains, trees, lakes and rivers. There is hiking, swimming, biking and fishing. I had to drive ten hours to get there. Why is it we drive a long way to go to a place to enjoy ourselves when we have the same thing in our very own backyard?

* Chobani has NEW FLAVORS! They sent me a complimentary pack of their new flavors to taste and I am allowed to give one lucky reader a case of their very own! This is a one day giveaway and it will end tonight, July 8th at midnight Pacific Time. All you have to do to win is:

1. Leave a comment guessing what you think the new flavors are. If any of your guesses are right, +1
2. Leave a comment answering one of the above questions (re: inverse relationships / backyards). +1

A random drawing will be held tomorrow and a winner will be announced sometime this week. 

I hope you all had a great 4th of July and are not experiencing too much of a holiday hangover today!


  1. I am glad you missed the BART strike - I thought of you when I heard about it!! I can't wait to hear more about your Oregon trip!

    Entry #1: My guess is apple cinnamon

    Entry #2: I think in general we tend to overlook the things to do around us, maybe because we can tend to take things around us for granted? I have traveled far from Minnesota for vacations, but never did the 2.5 hour drive up to Duluth, which is an area that people drive many miles to see!

  2. The photo looks like it was worth the drive :)

  3. 1. I think I already saw the flavors somewhere - coconut?
    2. So funny about the drive and experience the same thing idea. We are going through the same thing. My husband wants to buy property an hour or so away to enjoy some of the exact same things we can enjoy right here. I guess he needs the 'get away' mindset.

  4. Oh gosh we LOVE Chobani - wonder if they will ship to Canada? Sometimes they will and sometimes they won't.... Did I see some new fruit flavors? hmmmm

  5. How fun to spend some time in Oregon. It is very much like where I lived for many many years, but we like to go there anyway.... backyards are good but so are driving vacays.

  6. Oh wow that pic is post card perfect!

  7. My guess is coconut! I'm not sure if I will like it, but I will definitely give them a try.
    I have always wanted to visit Orgeon. I was there when I was a baby, but that doesn't really count!

  8. I'm going to say vanilla or acai berry. That stuff seems to be everywhere these days...


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!