

Looking Forward

Happy May! Did you know this is my favorite month of the year? And not just because it's my birth month. I love Spring and May reminds me of birds singing, school ending, first river swims (if we were lucky!) outdoor eating, warm days and flowers blooming.  So it's a good time to be looking forward to things!

Today I'm looking forward to good weather, a nice after work run and a hearty dinner!

This week I am looking forward to meeting up with a friend for lunch and possibly volunteering for a race on Saturday!

This month I am looking forward to Mother's day with my real and honorary Mom, happy hour with friends, a friend's band playing in a local joint, a race with Broski, birthday celebrations with friends and family, a 50k race, and a mini vacation!

This year I am looking forward to rounding out one year at my current job, trips to Oregon, Canada, DC and possibly New York City, and a hiking trip to Mt. Shasta.

Mother's Day / Birthday
2012: Carrot Cake

What are you looking forward to? What exciting things do you have going on / coming up in your life?


  1. Happy May! May is my birthday month as well and definitely looking forward to nice spring weather! :)

  2. Happy May Day! Can you remind me when your birthday is? I think it's in the 20s? I should know this!!

    Let's see... I am looking forward to taking tomorrow night off from studying. I am looking forward to seeing a friend this month who will be here for work. This summer, I am looking forward to visiting John in Raleigh, my friend Becky in DC, and my friend Allie in NYC! Hooray for cheap(er) east coast plane tickets. This year I am looking forward to the Chicago marathon in October (if I am able to run it).

  3. this week/month I'm just looking forward to being normal again. everything should be normal sometime. Also, Lisa.

  4. Happy May indeed. I never was a real fan of May until you started to put spring in perspective for me. Thanks! Today, I'm looking forward to a walk/run at lunch. This week, I'm looking forward to having virtually no plans over the weekend (much needed break)! This month, I'm looking forward to a trip to St. Louis to see Miss Nora and to go to a Cardinals game. And, this year, I'm looking forward to that trip to Italy, which we finally booked last week!

  5. May is a great month. I stepped outside today and just took in the great spring smells! Looks like you've got a great month of fun planned!

  6. I love May! It finally starts to warm up around here and I can get outside more. It looks like you have some fun stuff to look forward to- plus a birthday is always awesome!!

  7. Yay for birthday months!!! I love this time of year when the sun is up so much's like the possibilities are endless each day!!

  8. May is an awesome month. Except that our weekends in May are always packed!! But it's with fun things. I'm excited for you- birthday month and a 50k, yay!

  9. Looks like May is going to be a great month for you:) Hope you are able to volunteer at the race. Sounds fun!

  10. It's my birthday month too! Are you a Gemini or a Taurus?

    Looks like a great month ahead. Hope you thoroughly enjoy it.

  11. It sounds like you have a lot of great stuff to look forward to in the near future! I'm looking forward to my trip to Vancouver, being done with the semester, and taking some time over the next couple of weeks to watch ridiculous things on Netflix and read novels.

  12. Happy May! Which part of Canada are you traveling to?

  13. Happy May! And happy birthday month!!!


  14. Happy birthday month! I always love May, because it's usually when I take a cruise - ha!

    I can't say there is a lot I'm looking forward to, which sounds awful but I'm okay with it. Possibly a mini-vacation to Orlando in July and maybe a trip to NYC in the fall (depending on finances!). Other than traveling, I'm looking forward to lots of pool time and The Great Gatsby movie!

  15. Happy Almost Birthday!! Congrats on the anniversary of your job and good luck with your 50K!!


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