

Beer, Bikes and Busted Plans

{1} Why is it the week I decide to avoid sugar is the week that...I go out to dinner with my brother (which I only do about once a month), my friend's band is playing at a bar in my neighborhood, the ladies at work get together for happy hour, I am meeting a friend for a birthday dinner (two times eating out in one week!) and it's Mother's Day Brunch. When it rain's it pours, I guess.

{2} I went to see my friend's band on Wednesday and I rode my bike to the show. I am no bike expert, let me tell you. I barely know how to shift gears. Why does it always seem like every time I shift it gets harder? It never gets easier, I swear! Downshift, upshift...either way, it keeps getting harder. So I was riding the bike back home when I shifted and the chain fell off and got tangled up in the round thingy, which I googled, and found out it's called a cassette. I had to walk the rest of the way home.

{3} I was supposed to go to a music festival this weekend, but then my friend flaked out so we decided to sell our tickets and I made other plans with other people for the weekend. But then nobody wanted to buy them and I've been placing ads on Craigslist and dealing with a lot of flaky people and I am getting annoyed. This is why I don't change plans; it gets aggravating, scrambling around at the last minute trying to coordinate things, changing plans with everybody, not knowing what your actual plans will be, and losing money on top of all of it.

{4} My roommate got a dog. That's really all I have to say about that. No really, it's cute; it's a puppy; it pooped on the floor today. What else is there to say, really?

{5} I have this race tomorrow with Broski. It will be his first 30k and his longest run ever! By the way, I think he's finally come to terms with the fact that the trail "half marathons" are not always 13.1 miles.

What's going on in your life? Any fun plans for the weekend? Do you know anything about bikes?


  1. Changing plans always aggravates me too, this is probably why I'm a bit anti-social, haha! Your opinion about the puppy is probably going to keep going down hill, fair warning, you may need a new place...kidding!

  2. Oh yikes... that is not good that your roommate got a dog... I know how I'd feel about that, and I know how much we have in common, especially in our opinion about pets... so yah. Yikes. How are the cats handling the puppy?

    Oh man the changing plans thing is super annoying. Sorry you are dealing with that!

    There is not much going on in my life these days besides work and CFA studying. But in just over 3 weeks I'll get to have a life again. Woo hoo. I have no plans for the weekend either. I tried to make dinner plans with a girl I met through a friend here, but she didn't respond to my email, so that's obviously not happening. So yah. Another plan free, socializing free weekend. Really, really making it hard for me to start disliking Charlotte less.

  3. Uh oh - while I love my dogs to pieces, I can see why you're speechless.

    Good luck on your race - I hope it goes well to make up for the frustrating week.

  4. My husband keeps asking for a dog (yeah my hubby not my kids) and I keep putting it off! I grew up with a dog and love them but it's a lot of work...and then there's the whole poop thing! I think I have enough poop that's not my own to deal with these days!! Good luck with the race! I have a Mother's Day Tea tomorrow with my girls, mom, sis, and nieces. I'm really looking forward to it!

  5. I agree it's been a TOUGH, crazy week to be sugar free. Puppies need to be cute cuz they do stuff we'd never tolerate if they weren't. Happy Friday!

  6. A dog?! What? Wow, are you going to be a convert;) I need to learn how to fix a bike since I plan to do a 60 miler in the near future. Don't want to get stranded with a flat or not be able to get the chain back on.

  7. Bummer about the chain! I had it happen in the middle of a race once and finished the race with bike grease all over my face! Good luck on your 30k!! I've been missing beer lately, that's what happens when you're told you can't have something :-) that and diet dr. pepper which I know isn't good for me but I still indulged.

  8. Glad to see you haven't let any of these things derail your sense of humor.

    I am jealous of the puppy... yes, even the poop! And tell your roommate puppies need to be taken out every time they eat and wake up from a nap!

  9. Sounds like there's a clause in the roommate agreement that you need to enforce. get rid of that damn dog!

  10. My plans this weekend? After 2 weekends of racing my plan is no racing. B2B long runs yes. Races no. So what is it with the mileage and trail runs. I get the thing about the switchbacks but sometimes the distance is off just enough to not make sense to me. It doesn't help that I'm Type A and if I run 5 miles I want my Garmin to say 5 miles. Let it go Jill!! Come to terms with it!

    For the record, I know nothing about bikes.

  11. I've never had my bike chain fall off, but I have jammed it a couple of times due to injudicious shifting of gears. I'd like to learn more about bikes. I'm thinking of going to some of the free workshops that REI puts on after I buy a new bike in the late summer after I return. Have fun racing with the Broski!

  12. EEK! A dog! I mean, I love dogs to bits and pieces and will likely always have one as long as I can but they are a LOT of work, even if it's your roommate's dog. You still have to live with it! It's worth the work for me, but for people who aren't into dogs, that would be SUCH a pain!

    Broski has gotten into running so fast! I can't believe he's already running a 30K. That's so awesome!!

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  14. You don't strike me as a dog lover. Be honest, are you pissed that your roommate got a dog? =)

  15. A dog? :)). This blog very interesting.
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