

What I Love: Not

You have already heard about the things I love several times, so here I am back again, with a list of things that I don't love, in no particular order. 

- Those U-Verse commercials. Do you know the ones I am talking about? The little girl says to her younger sister, "when I was YOUR age, we couldn't move the TV into any room. We had to watch Mom's dumb channel..." It basically takes your grandpa's "uphill both ways in the snow" and "5 cents for a candy bar" and makes a really annoying copycat (mockery) of those stories. I am not amused.

- Dogs off leashes. You already know I don't like this. But it keeps getting reconfirmed. Maybe I need to stop running outside, on trails where dogs are supposed to be on leash. Why do people feel entitled to break the rules? It bothers me, especially when there are specific areas where your dog IS allowed to be off leash. I avoid them for a reason, people.

- Poop bags. Again, why can't people just follow the rules? If you want to share the space with everyone, keep it clean! Don't leave your poop bag on the trail! And seriously, you already did the dirty part of the job; now you can't even carry the darn bag to the trash can!?

- Litterbugs. Same problem as above, but this time it's not just dog owners. I see TP, bottles, cans and other things in places they don't belong, but it REALLY chaps my hide when I am out in nature and people have littered there. Respect your home, people!

- People that won't shut up. Have you ever been on a plane and had the person next to you talk to you even though you have your headphones on AND your nose in a book!? There is certain body language that people need to learn to read. I don't want to feel (a) obligated to talk to you or (b) rude because I am ignoring you. Don't make me be rude to you. This also pertains to people at work. When I am starting to turn and (try to) walk away, please stop talking about your boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's cousin's daughter's cat. Please.

- Snakes. Yup, it's that time of year again. Remember last year when I saw 12 snakes by May? Well I am hoping not to repeat that again this year! I have my eye out though!

What don't you love? What annoys you? What's the weirdest/worst conversation you have had with a co-worker/airplane seat mate?


  1. Strangers talking to me non-stop annoys me to no end. It's terrible when waiting in lines, on planes, etc. You'd think people would get the hint when I say virtually nothing back!

  2. Litterbugs are one of my hugest pet peeves, and people who never shut up. Some people don't appreciate the value of silence!

  3. I definitely rolled down my window at a stoplight and told the girl in the next lane that I saw her litter and how dare she pollute the city and she was a terrible example to her children. All I got was flipped off for my efforts, but it made me feel better.

  4. Oh I can't stand dogs off leashes or people who put their dog on a wicked long leash...Come on people! I like dogs but I don't want to deal with them when I'm running! I thought it was just my New England sass but yes strangers that feel the need to tell me their life story and then some are a bit annoying! My pet peeve sometimes too is people who don't wipe down the machine at the gym...ummm YUCK!

  5. As someone who has a dog that she takes to parks where people are running... I do NOT understand people who take their dog off leash. Even if they're well-behaved... it's just not okay. First of all, you never know what thing they'll see that makes them run away and secondly, it's just common courtesy for people around you! Sigh. It sucks that you have to deal with this.

    I hate, hate, HATE small talk by strangers. It's the introvert in me. Just... don't talk to me. I'm terrible at small talk and I don't really want to engage in conversation with you. Ha. That sounds terrible and makes me sound so unfriendly but yeah. There it is.

  6. As a dog owner who oftentimes lets her dog off leash (guilty), let me ask you this: do you think the poop bags are really litter? Or did their owners drop them during an out-and-back run with the full intention of picking up the bag on their way back to the trailhead? Just a thought...

    1. Given that the bags often remain for days... I'm going with litter. That's my final answer. You might not be a litterbug, but your neighbors probably are.

  7. I don't understand the off leash and poop bag thing either and I have dogs! If I can follow the rules, so can you. And I hate littering! I have had the "too much talking" issue with the checkers at the grocery store. One lady told me about her dry hands and a bout with food poisoning. Yikes! She is chatty! I can tell the people behind me are annoyed that it's taking so long.

  8. haha i am a big hater of litterbugs also! i get that!

  9. Litterbugs! When I see someone throw something out their car window while driving I'm angered and then I ALWAYS think to myself "what in their mind makes them think that is ok" followed by "I'm sure at some point you walked passed a trash can". You could have thrown that away without even taking an extra step. Ugh! Dog walkers that don't clean up after their dogs. Again...what makes them think that is ok? I could easily become one of those people that doesn't shut up :)

  10. "vaguebooking" really annoys me - I'm considering deactivating my account.

    i do have random people talk to me all the time, but the only airplane conversation I remember was a good one. I was flying from Atlanta to Florida and sat next to a very good looking US Marshall (before 9/11). He was a former Navy Seal and gave me some really good advice how to handle physical/mental suffering. That was a nice airplane ride!

  11. So with you on the dogs off leashes. And I'm a dog owner. And hate, hate, hate, when people strike up conversations on planes. I bury my face in a book and hope for the best.

  12. People talking to me nonstop annoys me so much. Especially when I clearly have a book on my lap and I keep turning to my bookmarked page and saying how I just thought I'd get some reading done, hint hint. Everything else on your list is a big annoyance for me too. Dogs off leashes bug me big time. We don't even take out dog out on the trails anymore because she gets skittish around other dogs who charge her. Makes me so mad that people can't just leash their dog and be respectful for everyone else using the trail.

  13. Pretty much ditto to all of your list (except the snakes as my father was a snake biologist so I have a soft spot for reptiles). Also: I am sick of people who invade my already limited personal space on planes. I realize the space is cramped on flights, but seriously....

  14. Oh yes, I'd have to agree that dogs off leashes and snakes are high up there on my list, too! I'm also not a fan of days when my husband has to stay late at work... I am good until 5pm, and then I desperately need a childcare switch. :) Have a great weekend!

  15. I agree with this list as well. I do not like encounters with dogs or poop. Or snakes. Or litterers. I also don't like people who don't use turn signals and people who don't observe cross walks.

  16. I also don't love EVERYTHING on your list... PLUS people who come into yoga class and crash bang boom ESPECIALLY if the class has already started. BE QUIET.

    Ya know I think people in general are just so much less caring about how they affect other people these days.


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!