

Looking Forward

I haven't done one of these Looking Forward posts in a while, but was just thinking about how much I am enjoying life right now, even though (or maybe because) it's been pretty full of things going on! So I thought this would be the perfect time to look forward to remember some of the things that are going to be happening sooner rather than later!

Today I am looking forward to another nice sunny day and a easy run after work. The evenings have been beautiful and it really brings me joy to have a nice place to run and to wind down after a busy day at work.

lake merritt
Lake Merritt

This week I am looking forward dinner out with friends on Thursday. We will be going to a place that I have not tried before and I always love trying new places! Also, Saturday night a friend is having a late Chinese New Years party. It will be really great to catch up with friends and eat lots of pot-stickers!

This month I am looking forward working in the garden. I started my seeds yesterday and hopefully in about a week they will start sprouting. Also, I spent some time weeding and getting the garden ready for the transplant, but there is still work to be done! It's so calming being outdoors in the sun with your fingers in the dirt, and so satisfying when things begin to grow and produce real food! I have barely bought a store bought tomato since I started growing my own; they just can't compare!

This year I am looking forward to so many things! The Boston marathon, going to hike and spend time with my second family in Oregon, hiking Mt. Shasta with my brother and Dad, going to the Bottle Rock concert in Napa, and possibly taking a couple other short trips to see friends.

*inspired by Lisa

What are you looking forward to? Do you grow any vegetables? Do you have any fun trips on the horizon?


  1. Oh man, it's weird to read about your planting your garden as it's currently snowing here in Minneapolis... Spring feels SO far off for us!!

    I tried growing vegetables as you know, but my garden was kind of a flop. The tomatoes were so teeny tiny, they were kind of ridiculous. My lettuce overgrew while I was gone and never growed normally after that, and my green pepper plant only produced one teeny tiny "honey I shrunk the kids" green pepper. So I think I am throwing in the towel on gardening. But at least I tried and it was fun!

    I don't have any fun trips planned for the year yet, but after the CFA I will be planning trips to NYC and Boston, as well as trips to local places like Charleston and Ashville.

  2. I am SO envious of the fact that you are starting a garden now! That just seems like years away for us right now, as we stare down a big snowstorm on Wednesday. (so unhappy about this). I need to move.

  3. Thanks for the reminder! I NEED to start my seeds! I have big plans in the garden the year.

  4. I am looking forward to growing veggies again this year too. I love my garden, I just don't love all the weeds that like it too.

  5. I am very much looking forward to my trip to San Diego! I leave Wednesday night.

  6. You do indeed have some fun things lined up in the very near future! I look forward to our trip to Boston later this month and possible trips to Cape Cod this summer and Europe in the fall or next spring. I think it would be cool to plant a garden with Gavin in the next year or so, because I think he would get a kick out of watching things grow. Unfortunately, we can't do that in our current home, so I'll have to think about other options, if at all.

  7. I'm going to talk to my roommate about planting some pretty flowers in the planter boxes in front of the house. They are just full of grass and weeds right now, and I think it would be good for me to have a project at home to work on and take some pride in.

  8. Cool, getting to go to Oregon this year? I'm hoping my company (based in Portland) will send me to the home office sometime this year too. I'm going to DC, Cincinnatti, and Atlanta sometime as well.

  9. I am so into all of the things you are looking forward too, but they wont be happening here until about the middle of next month when it comes to running in nicer weather and gardening but I am honestly so excited for it! Hopefully the 20 inches of snow in my backyard will start melting this week!

  10. I am looking forward to some fun races coming up and hopefully some sunny days:) Enjoy your sun for me!

  11. I'm looking forward to a trip to the Grand Canyon in a few weeks - and maybe a little to the nights in Vegas on either side! ;)

  12. I love gardening! We don't have space right now for much, but we do a few herbs, tomatoes, peppers, etc. Hopefully next year, we'll have a bigger garden. Love this post, too- might have to copy it. :)

  13. Hi! I found your blog through i Blog 4 Me. I'm a new follower and really looking forward to reading more posts! And my fun trip on the horizon is to Malaysia. I'm really excited for it!

  14. BOSTON! So excited for you about THAT! And all your other fun travels. YAY!

    I'm looking forward to spending a long weekend in Orlando in May, planning a cruise for the fall, and possibly DC in June. In non-travel happiness, I am looking forward to a trip to the fair this weekend and completing another Spartan event at the end of this month.

  15. I am looking forward to the Canyonlands Half Marathon in Moab with my best girlfriends in just 9 days (road trip! brief, but still...).

    Can't wait to hear about your Boston experience!

  16. You've got a lot to look forward to this year! What are you planning to plant this year in your garden?

  17. I definitely savoured all bits and pieces of it including all the comments and I have added you to my bookmark list to check out new articles you post.
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