

Currently: January

Current Book - The Wednesday Sisters by Meg Waite Clayton (I haven't started it yet, but it comes highly recommended!)

Current Drink - Water

Current Excitement - This month I am going to see Muse! It's going to be so fun!

Current fashion trend - Scarfs. I love them!

Current Favorite Blog/Website - I have been spending a lot of time on this one lately. Hey, a girl can dream... 

Current Garden Item - 

Garden Salamander

Current Love - The new camera bag that I got for Christmas!

Current Food - Cauliflower; I have been eating a ton of it, along with lots of soups and stews.

Current Indulgence -  Candy. I bought a Costco sized pack of Ghirardelli peppermint bark and once I pop, I can't stop!

Currently Pondering - Why my pants keep getting tighter. I think my washer is shrinking them. What? The candy? Noooo.... I don't think that's why.

Current Mood -  Happy. 

Current New Find - This Ethiopian restaurant! I had never had it before an it was so yummy! 

Current Outfit - 
Current Outfit

Current Peeve - People in the office who only complain and complain and never have anything positive to say!  
Current Song - Hero by Family of the Year

Current Triumph - This week I ran an easy run around the lake at a much faster pace than expected. 
Current TV Show - Top Chef. Who's it going to be? I'm rooting for Kristen.

Current Wish-List -  I wish that hotels in Boston were cheaper.

Currently Delaying - Cancelling some credit cards. I am having a hard time deciding which one to get rid of. I even made a pros and cons list and a spreadsheet to try to decide, but I am dragging my feet.

What is on your current wish list for January? Do you have a favorite song lately?


  1. Peppermint bark is like crack, I swear! I have to actively talk myself out of buying it!

  2. I loooove Ethiopian food. I'm always trying to get people to try it! And I thought canceling credit cards were bad. Doesn't it damage your credit score to cancel them? I always thought that as long as their is no annual fee, you are supposed to keep them open. But maybe they changed the way they do things? That's just what I heard... a long time ago...

  3. Oooh peppermint bark is dangerous. I bought a bunch of it on after-Christmas clearance and I'm trying to make it last!

  4. Moose Munch is my "pop and can't stop." But I'm home with a stomach bug, so I'm not popping much of anything today, except Gatorade. Maybe I'll lose weight, though, right? Silver linings....

    Here are some of my "currents:"
    Current Book--The Old Ways: A Journey on Foot by Robert MacFarlane (makes me want to go to the British Isles for a walking trip)
    Current Drink--the aforementioned Gatorade
    Current Excitement--visit from my sis-in-law, nephew and mother-in-law next week.....oh, and my 40th birthday party! Jan. 21 in Colorado; hope you can come, Kyria (even if only in spirit)! there will be running AND cake

  5. I'm sure it's the dryer:) Favorite song lately is Amazing by Kanye West. Just blogged about it today as a matter of fact:)

  6. Honestly my current wish list would be for airline ticket vouchers. Lots and lots of them. My favorite song lately is Girl on Fire.

  7. I'm totally loving cauliflower lately too. So yummy!

  8. I have been spending a lot of time stalking a 50 km website lately. I say we both just take the plunge and sign up for these crazy race dreams of ours :)

  9. Peppermint bark is dangerous! We can't keep candy in our house or it disappears way too quickly. Hope the new book is a good one!

  10. Scarfs get me through the winter - love. That camera bag is pretty - jealous. Kristen and Stephan are probably my two favorites, but Brooke has been sneaking in there (I don't think she's the best chef, but I just really like how genuine she is). And Josie HAS to go home or I might break my TV by throwing something at it.

  11. I am totally jealous of you going to muse!!

  12. I haven't heard of Family of the Year. I really like that song so will have to check out other songs by them!!

    I am currently really upset about some changes happening in my life (hint: a move is involved to a city I hate). I am currently looking forward to a night with my boyfriend. And I am currently obsessed with the color yellow.


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