

Looking Forward

Today I am looking forward to hopefully talking to my Mom on the phone before she leaves to go Back East to see HER mother. She and my Dad are finally taking a couple weeks off to go travel and have fun and see some family. I am so excited for both of them. I am also looking forward to my lunch time walk, which affords me views like this:

This week I am looking forward to dinner and running with the Broski (he still has not given up! Hurray!), a short work week (I guess that is next week though but I am taking it) and lots of pumpkin based dishes! I already made pumpkin curry, pumpkin spice muffins, pumpkin oatmeal, pumpkin seeds and...whoa I am starting to sound like Forrest Gump! Pumpkin!

This month I am looking forward to many family and friend reunions! November and December are all already booked full every weekend. There will be turkey with the Broski, brunch with friends, friends coming to visit from the Midwest, a holiday walk in the city with the family, 2 concerts and more! It will be a packed 30 days (or 45!)

This year I am looking forward to getting more comfortable at work, traveling, settling in more, running a couple of Ultras and of course The Boston Marathon! The family is probably going back east with me for a grand hoopla of a time. It should be a lot of fun!

*inspired by Lisa

What are you looking forward to? What is your favorite pumpkin dish?


  1. It sounds like you have a lot to look forward to. I like that it's the big and little things as well. You had quite a break from work earlier this year, didn't you? How did you find it going back? Pumpkin curry - yum. Pumpkin as part of a sweet dish - something I just can't get use to!

  2. I'm a fan of anything with pumpkin and sugar combined...haha! Great things you are looking forward to!

  3. I'm a huge fan of the classic pumpkin pie. Cannot wait for next week!

  4. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving! It's my favorite holiday and I just can't wait to be surrounded by family, enjoying good food, and watching football. BEST! :)

    Okay, so weird question, did you get a new job or is this the contract job? Did I miss a post somewhere about this? <-- me being nosy...

  5. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving this year. It's been a while since I hosted and I'm loving doing some planning and searching for recipes. Now if only I could fit in the pumpkin pull apart bread to Thanksgiving dinner....

  6. Looking forward to stuffing on Thanksgiving day:) I am still too afraid to try pumpkin pie! Scary to me:0

  7. I used to make these awesome pumpkin butter squares, but I haven't made them for a few years because I think Williams Sonoma discontinued the pumpkin butter. HUGE bummer, because they were always a big hit.

  8. Oh wait, it hasn't been discontinued. Maybe it was just an off year (and their customers revolted!). Thank you, because now I'm going to order some to make these tasty treats while we're on the Cape!!!

  9. I can't believe next week is thanksgiving! I'm not ready for the holidays yet. no way.

  10. Awesome! So much to look forward to. I love pumpkin seeds... thanks for reminding me to make them.
    I'm looking forward to the holidays too, and beyond that, to knowing where we are headed next in life. Jared has had a few interviews lately, and I'm ready to be "settled" more long term soon... I hope!

  11. I always love this time of the year when weekends fill up with time spent with family and friends!

  12. I am making pumpkin bread tonight for my daughter's kindergarten class's Thanksgiving feast tomorrow! Fun! Hopefully I won't screw it up. I've lived in Colorado for 10 years now and I still get baking issues with the altitude.

    It sounds like a great 45 days ahead of you!!

  13. I love pumpkin muffins with cream cheese frosting. I also seem to be big on pumpkin pancakes right now. Glad the Broski is still running with you!

  14. I love these kinds of posts! I'm looking forward to having some friends over for brunch this weekend and a short work week next week. My favorite pumpkin dishes are pumpkin pie and pasta with pumpkin, roasted tomatoes, parsley, hazelnuts, and feta.

  15. Those are some exciting things to look forward to!

    I love pumpkin everything. Especially this yummy cake I make that is ridiculously easy and so, so good.

  16. I'm looking forward to the holidays and making my first vegan-hybrid Thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to choosing goals for 2013. I love pumpkin bread, pumpkin overnight oats, protein pumpkin muffin tops...practically anything pumpkin.

  17. I am looking forward to lots of new things right now ... too many to list.

    It is fun to think ahead a bit.

  18. You have lots to look forward to! I always love these posts as they have such a excited tone! Right now I am looking forward to a game night with Phil tonight, a bookstore date with my nephews this weekend, Thanksgiving next week, my trip to San Fran in at the end of the month, and celebrating Christmas in just under 6 weeks!!

  19. Looking forward to yummy food on Thanksgiving and then we're headed over to Central Oregon for a few days - love family vacation time! Sounds like you have a lot of great stuff coming up - can't wait to read about it!

  20. Pumpkin anything is my favorite! I'm looking forward to time with family in the next few weeks. It's my favorite thing about this time of year- just chillin with people I love (and all the food, of course!)


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