

10 Days of Thanksgiving: Days 9 & 10

Happy Thanksgiving Eve! Today I will be working and then joining the masses in the great Thanksgiving migration. I hope everyone has a great day today and tomorrow and that you eat lots of great food and have a great day with your friends and family. Here are my last two of ten things that I am thankful of this year!

9. My Feet 
“Running isn't a sport for pretty boys...It's about the sweat in your hair and the blisters on your feet." -- Paul Maurer. My feet have taken me many miles. I have been lucky. I have friends who cannot run due to injuries or pain. Not only that, but they have taken me hiking up high mountains and through cities. I do run a lot but I also love to walk. Lately I have been taking walk breaks in San Francisco for a half an hour here and a half an hour there. I play a game where when I get tot he corner I go whatever way is green. I am having a lot of fun seeing little things that I never noticed before.

10. Family

Each year the definition of family gets broader and broader.  The people you see every day at work, the friends who you can pick back up with after months of separation, the blood relatives and their relatives and their friends. This year I am spending Thanksgiving with my brother and his lady and her family. It will be a different day than normal, but regardless, it will be spent with family.

Where is the best place your feet have taken you? Who are you spending Thanksgiving with?


  1. I've loved reading these!!! The best place....across the finish line at the Boston Marathon or all over Spain! I'm headed to RI to be with my family! Have a great Thanksgiving!!

  2. I am thankful for my feet, too, although I wish they weren't as ugly as they were (I have horrible calluses). It's hard to say where the coolest place my feet have taken me is. This year, I might have to say the seawall of Vancouver or the resort where Amber got married as both were SO beautiful!

    I can't wait to walk around SFO! I owe you an email about what i plan to do with my co-worker, we are finalizing our plans today!

    I am spending thanksgiving with my family. It's a smaller gathering as 2 siblings aren't able to attend, so there will be 12 of us. I haven't seen 2 of my nephews since August so am very excited to see them! And I am excited to see my grandma and get my butt kicked by her at Scrabble (I have never beat her, don't think I will).

    Happy Thanksgiving! See you a week from tomorrow!!

  3. My feet have taken me to many amazing places, but I think all around Italy tops the list:) Spending the holiday with my husband's family this year. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. I love walking, too... we're in a slightly less 'walkable' area than we would prefer, but I still try to walk as many places as I can. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  5. Yay for a broad definition of family! I'm grateful for my feet, too. I think the best place my feet have ever taken me is a tie: across the finish line of my first marathon and ten days across the north of Spain to Santiago de Compostela on the Camino.

  6. I'm also very grateful for both my feet and my family. I have an easy run scheduled for tomorrow and will spend it on those feet with my immediate family, running alongside my husband with our kids biking. Doesn't get any better than that!

  7. Wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving!


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