

Wordless Monday

Did you watch the game? If not, what did you do yesterday?


  1. Nope. Did not watch a single inning of a single game! I do not like baseball. I know, how un-American of me. ;) Yesterday, I went to church, returned the bike I had borrowed all summer (and barely used), made beef stew, and
    went to an awesome yoga class which kicked my *ss!

  2. Since I'm east coast, our focus is on Sandy and I am completely out of touch with the world series! I suppose that's pretty un-American, huh?

  3. A sweep, girlfriend? Nice job! But, I didn't watch the game. Yesterday, we had a lazy morning and went grocery shopping. While my boys took a nap, I made two huge pots of chili (one for us and one for a family who just had twins a few weeks ago). We hung out at home, played with some of Gavin's new birthday presents and tried to enjoy our down time after so many weeks of being on the go.

  4. Yesterday we prepped for baseball just wasn't the same this year since the Red Sox STUNK!!! Why yes I'm a grumpy Sox fan!!

  5. Go Giants! That was a fantastic win. It was a whole team effort. And taking 7 postseason wins in a row is unheard of. Total domination FTW!

  6. I thought about you while watching the game. You must be so excited!!

  7. You are SO lucky! And I say that even though I am bitter. :^)

  8. I was thinking about you last night while watching the game with The one point I was feeling bad for Prince Fielder so I started cheering on Detroit. When they lost, The Captain thanked me for cheering for them, reminding me that whoever I am cheering for seems to lose when it comes to team sports! OOPS.

    But so happy for you and your team!


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!