

Then and Now: September

Every time I do these posts, I think that it doesn't seem that long since I did the last one, even though a month has gone by. I have had many people tell me that as you get older the time goes by more and more quickly. Well stop it. Stop it now.

As you know, I like to recap my last month with a comparison to what I was doing last year at this time. It started when I could say, "Last year at this time I was traveling in ____". Now I can't say that, but it's still fun to look back and see what things have changed and which ones stay the same. Without further ado, here are the Who, the What and the Where for September 2011 vs 2012.


Dad, Lisa, Raquelita 
(not pictured: Red, Gma S, The B family)

Kalish, J&E, K&A and the goats
(not pictured: the broski, his lady friend, Gma B)


2011: 4 / 2012: 3

My favorite September book in 2011 was probably The Guernsey Literary Potato Pie Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows. In 2012, I really enjoyed

2011:  95.2 / 2012:  187.4

In 2011, I was training for a half marathon in September. This year, I am training for a marathon. However, it is still a surprisingly high amount to me, even though I did run two 20+ runs this month.

2011: 2 / 2012: 3

In 2011, I ran my first half marathon since 2009 (see photo above with Dad). After that, I went to MN and raced a great 10 miler with Lisa and Raquelita (see photo above)! In 2012, I ran Mommy Run Fast's  Labor Day Virtual 10 mile and Labor Day Virtual 5 mile  as well as joining up with a friend, and thousands of Giant's fans for the Giant Race


The M States: 
Missouri, Massachusetts, Minnesota

The Bay Area: 
Oakland, San Francisco, Berkeley

As you can see, last year I traveled more than this year. Nearly every weekend in September I went somewhere. I went to MA the first weekend, Dad came for the race the next, then it was MN, then Kansas City the last weekend! This year I have stayed closer to home!

I also met a lot of new friends both years. Last year it was Lisa and Raquelita; this year it's some new running buddies, new people at work and new local folk.  September in both years have been busy with running! This year I feel as if I have more time to foster old friendships as well as making new. Last year with the traveling and working away from home, I felt as if I were doing the opposite and losing touch with old friends, even as I was making new ones. So this year has been a welcome change in that aspect!

What things have changed in your life since last year? What has stayed the same? How many "M" states have you been to?


  1. Love seeing your picture of us from the Women Run the Cities last year! I was just looking at my posts from last September a couple of days ago. Last year I was injured in September and that put paid to marathon training. This September I have thankfully not been injured but have been adjusting to a new job and an incredibly different part of the country.

  2. Last year we had just moved to Texas... it feels much longer than one year! I am working on my recap post too. Love reading these!

  3. Wait, you've met Minneapolis Lisa? When? Where? I love that girl (and will see her this weekend)! And that means that we surely have to meet at some point in our lives!!! =)

    I've been to a lot of M states ... Montana (though, I don't recommend driving across the state - we drove from Chicago to NW Montana ... talk about an investment in driving!), Minnesota, Michigan, Massachusetts, Maine, Maryland, Missouri (!) ... I think the only one I haven't been to is Mississippi.

  4. Fun to see the comparison between then and now.
    M states. Montana, Michigan, ... maybe that is all oh wait Minnesota to :)

    Great job on your mileage!

  5. Last year in September I ran the Top of Utah Marathon. This year I was....mainly just grateful to be running again. I like how you do this trip down memory lane!

  6. I love these comparison posts. I was recently thinking along the same lines - 'last year at this time' type thing.

    M: Maryland - I think that's it.

  7. I can't believe it's been over a year since we ran that race! It was funny because I saw Nilsa this weekend and she was like - YOU KNOW KYRIA! NO WAY! It was kind of funny. Anyways, I am glad that I have plans to see you in just a couple of months. :)

    Last September I was super sick with a sinus infection. This September i was super sick w/ Bronchitis. September is not the month for my health apparently. Last year i was tapering for my half, now I am tapering for my full (and feel way stronger as a runner than last year). I traveled a lot for work last September, and I traveled even more this year!

    I haven't been to many M states... but I live in Minnesota, as you know. :)


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!