

Currently: September

Current Book - Looking for Alaska by John Green

Current Hot Celebrity - Mila Kunis. I think she's adorable.

Current Drink - Coffee. Way too much of it. 

Current Excitement - I went to the A's/Redsox game the other day, got to watch the batting practice on the field, got to sit in row 5 above the A's dugout and got a photo with one of the players! It was so cool. I mean, hey, I am still a true Giant's fan, but I will take a photo with any of the players! 

Current fashion trend - Boots. I wear these all the time. Now I need black -- I want these.

Current Favorite Blog/Website - -- If you haven't used this site yet to find races, you should! Also, ultrasignups for Ultras.
Current Garden Item - I have zucchinis! 4 different kinds. Here are three of them. 
Current Love - The short work week! 

Current Food - I made a whole chicken in the crock the other day and it's delicious! It was so easy. Just put an onion in and then rub the chicken with spices and leave it for 5 hours. When you come back, voila, chicken! I even made stock with it as well!

Currently Pondering - Fires in CA near my Parents. Supposedly they are out finally.

Current Indulgence - Popcorn, and lots of it! I have been a popcorn eating machine! Today's favorite way to eat it? With butter and nutritional yeast. And lots and lots of salt. 

Current Mood - Hungry. Is that a mood? 

Current New Find - French Trail. It's a beautiful, redwood filled trail that is just the right amount of ups and downs. You can also easily do a shorter or longer loop (anywhere from about 3 miles to 8), so it's good for all levels of runner/hiker!

Current Outfit -  
Pardon me. I did not comb my hair that day.
Current Peeve - I had to remind three runners at the SR Marathon who were blocking the whole path that it was "hard to pass them when they were running three abreast". Those were my exact words. After I said, "on your left" about 6 times and they didn't get over so I had to run around through the bushes to pass. I had some more choice words, but I kept it cool and remained polite. 
Current Song - Till I Collapse by Eminem. It makes me run faster! Also I think about the first part of the song when I feel like giving up/slowing down: 
'Cause sometimes you just feel tired,
Feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
And just pull that s*** out of you and get that motivation to not give up
And not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse. 

Current Triumph - My brother has started running! He emailed me and said he would like to do a half marathon together. Hurray! I am so excited! Speaking of my brother, today is his birthday! Happy Birthday Bro!
Current TV Show - Parenthood. I am sad to say that I am caught up now. When does the new season start!? I need me some Braverman! And what about Grey's? Do they all die?

Current Wish-List - A tiger tail, an entry in the Boston Marathon, more hours in a day, extra motivation. 

Currently Delaying - Running. But I sure do end up getting a lot of other things done on my to do list when I am procrastinating running! 

Do you have any good crock pot recipes? What website do you use to find races? What's on your current wish list?


  1. Til I Collapse is the only song I've had on my mp3 player since I started running and have never taken it off! I love my crock pot, the last thing I made was lentil soup, yummy!

  2. I adore that song and have it on my rotation multiple times. Timeless! Love the boots. Still WAY too hot here for them though.

  3. wow! good stuff all around!

    I have a *terrible* boot addiction - currently I own 14 pairs and for some reason it seems the boots I have to have are of the expensive variety. Love the styles Matisse has, but they run BIG. I wear a size 5 so I've never been able to find a pair that fits.

    Very exciting about your brother! yay for zucchinis and short work weeks. :)

  4. That's awesome news about your brother! I would love it if someone in my family (or even my husband's family) decided they wanted to take up running and do a race together. My current wishlist includes a hybrid bicycle, artwork for my home and office, and 501 Italian Verbs.

  5. I'm ready for Grey's to come back as well. however, I'm not ready for nutritional yeast on my popcorn. wth?

  6. Oh my...the runners running 3 abreast would piss me off too! I really want some black boots, but have been searching for the perfect pair for about 3 years now. Gah. I need some already.

  7. I love Mila Kunis too. She seems so real and likeable. Also a huge Parenthood fan, it premiers September 11th. And how tall are you? You look like a major glamazon in your current outfit photo. Love it! Oh and one of my coworkers once brought us a cake she made in her crock pot. The outside was a bit crusty, but the inside was delicious! If are ever feeling indulgent I would suggest Googling crock pot cake recipes :)

  8. I adore those boots!
    The crockpot is an amazing appliance that we love--especially in the winter. I like finding recipes at I like Running in the USA for finding races. I also like
    On my current wish list is a BQ at Steamtown next month and getting our living room flooring & paint done. :)

  9. I LOVE parenthood, too- isn't it addicting?! That 3-some running side by side would have been so annoying...that happens here all the time, and it's bad enough on a little training run, let alone a race setting. So exciting that your bro started running!

  10. I love zucchini! I wonder if my new roommate would mind if I planted a small garden...

  11. I LOVE parenthood. I believe it starts up again this week! Woo hoo! I need a weekly dose of Adam Braverman. I heart him. I probably told you this already, but he is from Minnesota!

    I am currently deathly ill. I am currently obsessed with pencil skirts. I am currently amazed that my tomato plants are still producing tomatoes because they look AWFUL. I am currently pondering how in the hell I am going to present on Monday when I have no voice right now.

  12. Love your outfit and the zucchinis are beautiful:) So cool that your bro is a new runner! My brother always says he can't run as if it's not humanly possible. It drives me insane!! I use for my races. It lists races mostly in the northwest. Currently on my wish list is a new fall wardrobe:) I have been seeing all these cute outfits on Pinterest and they make me drool.

  13. Didn't Parenthood start this week? I thought I saw an episode sitting in our DVR. Needless to say, we're behind in our TV watching...


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