

Bean Town, Here I Come

 After running Santa Rosa on August 26th, I went straight to the BAA website and did this:

Then I waited impatiently for September 14th to come.... On the 14th I went to work early so I could make sure to be ready for the 7 am opening time (that's 10 am ET). I was afraid it would fill up before I could register. I was afraid I would miss the time and it would be too late. I rushed to work and got there at 6:59 and it wouldn't let me register. Then it was 7 straight up and reregistration! Finally, it worked....but... it was not a confirmation of acceptance, only a confirmation of attempt.

But no. Several hours later, I got this:

So, unless I lied about my qualifying time, which I didn't, then I am in! Hurray! Who else is going!? Let's have lunch!

This is exciting for me, because, as you probably know, my family hails from Massachusetts, and so it will be a weekend of fun and family and running and fun! Also, I have been to Boston several times, but never in this capacity, so it will be a fun change for me in that aspect!

Have you ever had to wait for something you really wanted? Who else is running Boston 2013? Have you ever been to Boston?


  1. Yay!!!!!! I'm so excited for you!!! It will be a marathon that you will NEVER forget!!! Can't wait!!!

  2. Woohoo!! Very excited for you!

  3. I'm so excited for you!!! It will be such a wonderful experience!!!

  4. That's so exciting! I've loved watching / reading about your running. I remember you ran your first marathon in a very solid "feels-too-easy" 4:15 and I immediately thought, "She'll be at Boston soon!". I could see the talent! I know you'll just continue to grow as a runner. It't fun to be an observer. Congratulations on Boston!!!

  5. Yay! Congrats! I am so excited for you:) I've never been to Boston. Having family there will make it that much more special:)

  6. Yay, Kyria!!! That's so exciting! I'm still debating doing the Houston full in January... it would obviously be too late to get me in for 2013, but I do want to run Boston one of these years!

  7. Very excited for you! And it sounds like the registration was quite smooth!

  8. Yay very excited for you! I have never been to Boston but it is on my must visit list. I'd love to go around the time of the marathon too so I could spectate and cheer!

  9. SO EXCITING, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! What an amazing race, one you definitely won't forget! I had to wait to hear about a race entry, too. I entered the NYC Marathon, which is a big ole lottery. I waited to hear that I didn't get into it, but my determination was strong. I then contacted a friend of mine who worked for the Chicago Marathon to see if he could work any magic. Again, more waiting. Only this time, the wait was worth it, because he secured me an entry in the race! Sneaky sneaky, but it worked. =)

  10. Yay! So proud and happy for you! You totally deserve this and I can't wait to hear ALL about EVERYTHING! WOO!

  11. Exciting!!! Many congrats! :)

  12. well, I have waited for many things I have wanted, but the most excruciating wait of my life has been waiting for my level 2 CFA results! Mostly because my co-worker got his 90 minutes before I got mine! Which is just cruel!

    CONGRATULATIONS again. I am SO happy for you and knew you could do it, you speedster!

  13. Congrats on getting in! I'm sure your in for a great time! Have a great time with family as well.

  14. How exciting! I am so happy for you and know that you will have an amazing experience!

  15. this is so exciting, I cant wait to cheer you on!


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