

12 in 2012 Update (2)

Almost a year ago, Jill said, "Why don't we do 12 half marathons next year? Wouldn't that be fun?" I had just finished my first marathon and was in the dead zone, where you are not sure what you are going to do with yourself now that you are not doing marathon training. So, naturally, I said, "Count me in!" 

In the last post I did about my first 4 months of 12 in 2012, I mentioned how when I signed up for this challenge, I didn't realize how much it would consume me and shape me and define me. This still holds true. In fact, now it is shaping and defining others in my life. I mentioned it before but now it is more set in stone; my brother has been asking my running advice, and earlier this week, we signed up for a 10k and a half marathon together! He is a beginning runner who can run a few miles without stopping, and I am looking forward to his progress. I am so proud of him and am excited to be a part of his journey! I even got him running stuff for his birthday. Do you know how exciting it is to have someone to buy running stuff for (besides myself)?

This challenge is two thirds of the way over! I can't believe it. Here is the recap for the second third of the challenge.
Races 1 - 4: January - April

05.12.12 -- Cinderella Trail Run  (#5) This race, as you may remember, was one of my first trail races. It was held only a couple miles from my house and was on trails that I run often. It was a great race through the redwoods and I loved every minute of it. Plus it made me feel strong, since I finished in just over a 10 min/mi pace on some pretty gnarly hills. Time: 2:10:29 (10:16/mi) PR/1st in age group

06.03.12 -- See Jane Run Half Marathon  (#6) I busted my butt during this race. Luckily it was, as they say, "fast and flat" but it was on a bike path and it was a little narrow at times. Also, there were too many people who were running slower but were still lined up in front of me at the start. After this race, I promised I would only do smaller races. Time: 1:37:17 (7:26/mi) PR

07.28.12 -- Bad Bass Half Marathon  (#7) I barely squeaked a race out in July. This was an awesome trail race which just happened to be on the start of the same course that I did the 50k on. Also, it was overcast the whole time and we got It's-It's at the end. I really enjoyed this race. Time: 1:58:39 (8:55/mi)

08.04.12 -- Wounded Warrior Virtual Half (#8) This run was put on by Suz and I did it around my neighborhood, which is a fun course with the first 3 miles going uphill, then some flat, then some down, then some flat and a (horrible) uphill at the very end. It's a great way to get to know the neighborhood better and see all the little places you don't notice otherwise. Time: 1:51:35 (8:25/mi)

So, what's in store for the next 4 months? Well, I signed up for my September race back in March, not knowing if I would even be around. I am excited that I am around and am not flying in from somewhere in the Midwest for the weekend and flying back after the race. The October run is the one my brother and I will be doing together. After that, things are still up in the air.

September 16: The Giant Race
October 21: Cloverdale Harvest Half

How has your racing year been so far? How are you doing on any challenges that you have taken on for 2012? Have you ever been someone's motivating factor? (PS: Jill is mine! Thanks Jill!)


  1. You have done so much racing this year! I am impressed!! :) Plus add in 2 marathons and that is A LOT! I have not done any racing this year. I was supposed to do a 25k last week, but was too sick to do it. :( So my only race for the year will likely be a marathon. I don't give myself much of a budget for races each year, so I tend to not do very many of them!

  2. It's always exciting to get others excited about taking on a challenge like running, sounds like you have a great thing coming up in the next month!

  3. Oh remember when I signed up for it....and then got pregnant?! I've done quite a few but obviously have slowed down!! Look at the time difference between race #5 and #6!!! You rocked it chickie!!!

  4. Wow, your times are awesome and inspiring! So exciting to be a part of your brother beginning to run and to run a race together will be wonderful.

    The 12 in 2012 challenge has redefined me as well. And little did we know that my challenge would change the way my husband looks at street racing. He's an avid trail and ultra runner who has not run 7 half [street] marathons!

    Thanks for writing this :)

  5. You've had an amazing year of halves- such a great challenge from Jill. I have a ten miler in October, and might do a half the end of the month, and then possibly a half in December...still open to the full in January, if I can get my mileage back up!

  6. So awesome! I am not doing as well. Running #5 this weekend. But, I am on track to run 12 races in 2012 and that may have to do. I have 3 more half's on the horizon. Way to go in keeping up in the challenge!

  7. Wow you have done so much racing this year! That's incredible :)

  8. wow - great recap of your year. LOVE that your brother is taking up racing - I get so excited to help people get started in the sport!

  9. I think I told you that you're a rock star for qualifying for Boston. Did I mention you're a bad ass, too?

  10. Amazing job! You're right too-it really does take a lot of time and can consume you. I was trying to do a similar thing but the race I'd signed up for in June got cancelled and I just never found another one to do. #fail

  11. Great year of halfs! I am planning to build off this idea with a challenge for 2013 with 13 x 13.1 in 2013 :) Want to join me? ;)

  12. That's a great goal! And you are flying. I'm really happy for your brother, too. I love buying running clothes for my husband--he refuses to wear anything but forest green basketball shorts to run in, so whenever I see them somewhere I pounce.

  13. I think it is so awesome that you have stuck with this. And I'm glad that it's done so many great things for you! Best of luck with finishing out the year.

  14. This challenge has changed me a lot as well. I had no idea that I would end up shaping my year around running 12 half marathons in 2012. I can't believe the year is already winding down. You've done a great job on your races so far this year!


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