

Virtually Eight

This month, I participated in a few virtual races. I didn't really join in on the contests and the photos and stuff because this month ran away before I got a chance to blink! However, I did run and while I was running, I though of the host and about the reason I was running. Jess hosted a great Virtual Olympics, where you got an official scorecard and you ran these distances. 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500, 5000m, 10,000m, 26.2 miles. Suz hosted a great Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) virtual run, where you could run any distance you want. She also raised a bunch of money to go the WWP!

I took this opportunity to do my 12 in 2012 race #8. I knew that since this month was going to be busy, plus I was going to do two actual races over 26.2 miles, a virtual race would be just the ticket. I needed it to be on my time and to fit in with my other (large) races, birthdays, weddings, and other summer fun. So this was perfect.

The day of the race dawned perfectly. It was sunny but not too hot. I picked my favorite route, which goes through the neighborhoods of Montclair, Temescal and Rockridge and around Lake Merritt. My first few miles were uphill, and my time reflects that. But I wasn't stressing, because I knew that the downhills would come later. The next couple of miles took me past the library, the ladies with their strollers, and the kids on bikes. Once I got to Temescal, the weekend BBQ folks were just setting up for a long day's fun.

Mile 1 - 5:  9:12, 9:13, 8:35, 7:47, 8:14

The next five miles were pretty darn consistent! This may be due to the fact that most of them were a net downhill, but not a huge one, only about 100 ft, so it's not too hard on the knees! 

Mile 6 -10:  8:14, 8:43, 8:08, 8:14, 8:24

Lake Merritt

The last few miles were mostly flat, and around the Lake. By now the Rasta guy (his car, hat and clothing are red, yellow and green) was out, eating his late morning burrito. I kept a pretty steady pace for mile 11, 12 and 13, of around 8 minutes, but then the last .2 (yes, I did an extra .1) is uphill and so it was a bit slower.

Mile 11 - 13.2: 8:04, 8:08, 8:22, 8:55(.2)

Total Time: 1:51:35 / 8:25 pace

It was no PR, but it WAS a nice relaxing long run around the morning time neighborhoods, which is one of my favorite things to do! My second favorite race was the 100m. I did it a few times just to get the feel of it  and all I can say is, MAN is it short! I would just be getting going and the 100m would be over, just like that! My time: 24 seconds, which would be a 6:50 mile. I don't think sprinting is my strong suit. I mean, I ran a 5k at a 7 minute pace so it seems like a 100m would be faster than a 6:50.

So, for the 12 in 2012 running challenge, we are Eight down, Four to go!

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all have a lot of exciting weekend things planned. I know I do! Saturday I am going to celebrate my grandmother's 80th birthday and then Sunday I will be running the Santa Rosa Marathon. Am I ready? No. Will it be fun? Of course. I will see my family, which is always fun. I will try not to drink too much, which will be hard (hey, it's wine country!) My brother is going to set me up with a carb load meal, and I will run my buns off no matter what. Please just keep your fingers crossed for me that it is not too hot!

What are your weekend plans? Is this weekend the last weekend of summer for you? Do you have a specific meal you eat the night before a big race?

Check out Jills for more Fun Fitness Posts!


  1. Again, your running inspires me (I sound like a broken record, don't I?). Good luck with the marathon. It's a bank holiday weekend here in England so I'm heading to Kiev for a few days with some friends (including a Ukranian one who along with her brother and cousin will be our tour guide). I'm not sure what to expect of the city but I'm excited all the same.

  2. Good luck this weekend! I will be thinking of you and anxiously awaiting your results!!! :)

    I have no plans this weekend. Tomorrow is going to be such an early morning for me as I agreed to do the water stop for our run club, and want to do 4 miles before the group starts at 7 since I am doing 20 and everyone else is doign 16... So that means I will leave my house at 5:15... So yah, I think Saturday is going to be a lot of laying around and foam rolling. ;) On Sunday I am hoping to go paddle boarding, though!

    I always eat pasta the night before a race!

  3. Wow, love watching your paces! It's inspiring! I ran #7 last weekend and next weekend is #8 for 12 in 2012. It's hard to believe. My weekend plans are a trip to Lulu to shop and to take their yoga class, a long run and the first football game of the season at my son't high school.

    Enjoy the run :)

  4. You're doing great! Love the lake, and it does look like it was a beautiful run.

  5. Nice work getting #8 in! Good luck this weekend! You are going to do awesome and I will be sending the Seattle cooler weather your way:) Have fun at your Grandma's b'day!

  6. Oh my hubby was saying it was the last weekend of the summer and I plugged my ears and hummed! Very mature of me!!! We are celebrating his birthday with a nice night out tomorrow!! If it wasn't his birthday I would be camped at the beach all weekend soaking in all the sun, sand, and waves I could! Maybe we'll do a family trip tomorrow! Great job on getting your race done!!

  7. Awesome job with your 8th half marathon done! The 100m is super short- you're right, you definitely have to be blessed with fast twitch muscles to get a quick pace in that short of a distance. Enjoy your weekend, sounds fun!

  8. Nice to get #under your belt. Good for you! And I wish you well with your marathon on Sunday. Can't wait to hear all about it... such a lovely place and yes, wine country! Have a blast!

  9. Doing 100s is so hard! I haven't done them in a long time but I think about how slow I am compared to the Olympic sprinters and it makes me laugh.
    Great job with 8/12 races! That's fantastic!!
    Hope you had a great weekend & had a great marathon too!! Can't wait for a recap. :)

  10. Thanks again for participating in our virtual race! I can't believe I'm running my 9th and 10th half marathons of the year in the next couple of weekends. Where has this year gone?


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