

Then and Now: July

Another month gone! Yes, I know it's cliche to say it, but where did the time go? I think the combination of traveling and/or having people visit pretty much every weekend this month made for a pretty quick month! Not only that, but I have been working on organizing and packing to get ready to move back north! Time flies when you are entertaining, traveling and packing! Here is another month of Then and Now, in terms of the Who, the What and the Where!


In July of 2011, I spent a lot of time with coworkers and a little time with Mr. L and Mark Twain. In 2012, my time has been spent mostly with Mr. L, but also entertaining guests, including my Dad, The K&A family and friends from Wisconsin! Not only that, but we made a quick trip back east and got to see more friends and family while there!  It's been a friend and family filled month! 


2011: 62.7 / 2012: 204

It's kind of fun to pull up the stats on RunningAhead! Last July I ran less than a third of the amount of miles as this year. My average pace was 9:54/mi, whereas this year it's 9:08/mi. I ran for approximately 10 hours last year; this year I ran for about 30. I have to admit; I am kind of ready for September when the mileage will be a little lower and I can focus on "only" running one half marathon a month.

2011: 0 / 2012: 2

I ran two races this year: Living the Fit Life's Birthday Virtual 10k and the Bad Bass Half Marathon, which was number 7 of the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge! Recap coming soon!

2011: 6 / 2012: 6

Of the 6 books I read in 2012, my favorite was probably Cutting For Stone by Abraham Verghese. This was a tale of a twin child born in Ethiopia to two interesting characters of parents, who survives the strife with Eritrea to grow up as a doctor. He eventually goes to America to find his way in the world and the story ends with a strange twist.  In 2011, my favorite July read was Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery. I really enjoy the Anne of Green Gables series! Check out my bookshelf page for more info! 


Last year I ate so many fresh fruits and veggies. This year has been much of the same, including some new recipes using cabbage!  When my Dad came to visit, he brought a special treat: hand picked blackberries AND a flat of peaches. I have been definitely getting my "apple" a day!!


Last year I was working in Missouri, in the heartland of America. This year, I have been on the beach. It's been quite a difference! 

How was your July? Have you read the Anne of Green Gables series? What's your favorite fruit?


  1. My July was great fun, certainly more active and healthier this year than last. Love the Anne of Green Gable series and made a specific trip to Prince Edward Island with my step mum to soak in all the cheesey AoGG goodness.

  2. I loved the Anne of Green Gables series! I would love to re-read them. So many books... so little time!

    My July was awesome! I saw family, went on an awesome vacation, watched Amber get married, found out I passed the CFA, and saw family. No complaints. I ended up running 120 miles which is the most miles in a LONG time. Like probably 2 months. Last year I think I ran around 75 miles in July, so it was a big increase year over year! I was surprised to find that I actually ran more miles in May/June of this year than I did last July when I was starting to train for my half. I love having access to this information!

    Looks like July was a great month for you. I wish I could be one of your visitors! If only I wasn't so low on vacation time, I'd be out there in a heart beat!!

  3. This has been the longest july ever. I didn't think today would ever get here. now what do we have to look forward to? oh yea, august. The only thing that sucks more than july.

  4. I loved the Anne of Green Gables series when I was little! It's been so long, but maybe I should read them again :)

  5. I love these updates to find out what you were doing last year (before I read your blog) and also because it reminds me to post my very own monthly update on the first. ha.

    Lately, we've been flying through Rainier cherries and grapes. Within a couple of days of buying them, they're gone. We're teaching Gavin how to eat cherries, which has been a lot of fun. So far, he's about 50/50 on spitting out the pit versus swallowing it. =)

  6. July 2012 will always be the month I got married so I think it will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart :) Last July was a busy one as well as we drove home (600 miles) for my brothers high school graduation and then right after we returned from that trip I flew to Medicine Hat for a work trip!

  7. I've never read any of the Anne Shirley books. I don't know why. Just haven't. I did recently read another LM Montgomery book and it was enjoyable.

    That picture of the bowl of fruit makes me want to leave and go down the street to the fruit stand RIGHT NOW. I think I will.

  8. I am jealous of all your fruits and veggies. I tried to find salads or to eat veggies on the road, but some of them were pretty tragic looking.

    I love the Anne of Green Gables books! Anne of the Island is my favorite.

  9. Cutting for Stone is definitely an interesting read. There were a lot of mixed reviews from my book club on that one.

  10. I love these posts you do. It is great to look back on how things were a year ago and see how far you have come. I think I told you this before, but I couldn't get into Cutting for Stone. I look forward to trying again though.


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