

My Bucket is Half Full

It's funny, if you asked me what was on my fitness bucket list a year ago, my main one would have been:

To run a marathon.

Period. A marathon. It seemed like something that I would the a long time...later...when I was faster or stronger.  Little did the me of June 2011 know, but that marathon was closer than I realized. I am not going to say it was an easy journey to get there, but I definitely underestimated myself. Running my first marathon made me realize that I was stronger, more determined and could do more than I give myself credit for.

So now my list of hopefuls fitness-wise is a lot longer. I may not get to all of them, but it's fun to dream, and I know I will do many of them! The list keeps growing as I find out about new, fun things, so there will always be things on it that I am wishing for, striving for, working toward and checking off!

1. A Marathon: The goal to run "a marathon" has become a new thing entirely. The new goals are to:

Source: via Kyria on Pinterest

- BQ (and run Boston, of course)
- Run a destination marathon -- Paris, The Great Wall, The Inca Trail
- Run a marathon in every state

2. Trail Running: I have found that I like running trails more than I like road running. I have been a hiker all my life, so trail running, and racing, combines two of my favorite things...and gummy bears!

Source: via Kyria on Pinterest

- Run a 50k
- Run a 30k
- Run the Rim to Rim to Rim
- Run the Western States 100

3. Hiking: Like I said, hiking has always been a part of my life and some of these things have been on my list for a while. Others are new. There will always be another trail I want to hike!

- Hike the Milford Track (New Zealand)
- Thru Hike the Pacific Crest Trail
- Thru Hike the Continental Divide Trail
- Thru Hike the Appalachian Trail
- Hike Mt. Washington (NH)
- Hike the 7 Summits
- Hike in Colorado (I am not sure where yet -- any tips?)
- Continue to hike the US High Points (so far, I've hiked to the top of 4 out of 50

4. Other: There are always non-running and hiking things as well!

Source: via Kyria on Pinterest

- Learn to Surf
- Do a handstand for 30 seconds
- Do a plank for 5 minutes
- Learn to Kite Surf
- Compete in a triathlon
- Buy a bike and ride it

There are many, many more on my list, and I could go on forever, but I want to hear from you guys. What is on your fitness bucket list? What have you already done that you think I should add to mine? 

You can find more of my fitness bucket list on Pinterest. Also, don't forget to go cver to Jill's  for more Fitness Friday inspiration!


  1. OMG, planking for 5 minutes sounds immpossible to me right now! I can only plank for a minute right now.

    I'd like to run a sub-4 marathon some day, build up to the ability to do real push-ups, instead of girls ones, and run the marathons on my bucket list (Big Sur, Paris, Chicago, and NYC).

  2. Wonderfully challenging bucket list! Love the idea of a 5 minute plank. Some of the items on my bucket list are 10 unassisted pull-ups, run a 50-miler, 100 mile 2-person team relay with Chad and a destination race. I'm sure I have bucket list items that are non-running :)

    Don't be surprised if you see an upcoming bucket list blog post :)

  3. I've been loving all the pictures of your Bucket List hikes. So gorgeous! Putting together a bucket list has been fun for me too.

  4. Those are some awesome goals! You have inspired me! I remember when I was in college telling a friend I could die happy if I ever ran a marathon, thinking it would never happen. I've done 3 now :-)

  5. One half is on my bucket list....not sure if I will ever add a marathon to the list.

  6. Your goals are fantastic. My goals list keeps growing as I keep realizing that I'm capable of more and more. Right now I'm focusing on strength training, Pilates and flexibility. Two skills that I lost out of laziness over the last two years. I'd really like to obtain my certification to teach Pilates and other fitness classes along with the dance classes that I already teach.

  7. What a great list and I know you will accomplish them all!

  8. The AT has been on my list for a while now. My BF went to college in the smokies and would spend every weekend hiking and camping. Doesn't that sound amazing?!

  9. Great list and goals. Mine include like you include a 50K, running a destination marathon (London and Paris are on my list) and running all 50 states (8 down, only a lot to go!) I want to do an Ironman someday (should probably overcome my fear of lake swimming first) and a century bike ride.

  10. I would also like to hold a plank for 5 minutes and do a 50K! One day!

    I'm taking surfing lessons this summer when we're in Tofino. Very excited about it!

  11. I have done a couple of these things on your list. I think my bucket list personally is just to get stronger and fitter than before. I would to be a fitness model one day. But Im a bit old for that. Would be fun though even for a one time moment. I could cross that of my list. I love to hike I would like to do that more. And maybe go kayaking in a single not a double. My sister says its a workout, I gotta believe her. But Im not sure. lol

  12. Awesome list! I love the hiking ideas. I wish my kids were more into the longer hikes...

  13. I think you should learn to sail!

  14. To be able to hold a plank for 5 minutes is definitely on my goal list for some day. I'd also like to be able to do a headstand without support and to run a sub 4:30 marathon. Your list is really impressive.

  15. Wow! These are absolutely awesome goals! My fitness goals are decidedly LESS exciting like...and mostly involve my yoga mat!

  16. These are great...and I would love to do a lot of them. My bucket list items are to run an ultramarathon, run a sub-4 hour marathon, run the Istanbul Marathon and go running in Africa around the farm I grew up in (the perimeter is about 20 miles).

  17. Love the list!! Totally doable:) Guess you need to get started!

  18. On the Colorado question...I've heard Maroon Bells is AMAZING! Definitely on my hiking bucket list.

  19. I just finished reading "Wild" about through-hiking the PCT. And I have a friend who's on that trek this summer... That one is definitely on my bucket list!

  20. Hiking is one of my favorite things.

    I know how to surf. I surfed all the time growing up, and I suck at it, but it's so fun I don't care.

    Planking. Four kids. That right there would be a life pinnacle


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