

Looking Forward

June is almost over and that means it's time for another Looking Forward post.

Today I am looking forward to going hiking! Here is where I am planning to go! There are dozens of choices for where to go and we haven't figured it out just yet, but I am sure that no matter where we go, it will be fun!

This week I am looking forward to a fun weekend back in Santa Cruz, including a long run of 19 miles. I love mapping out where I am going to go, as well as finding new, cool places with each extra mile I go. Last time I ended up here.

Where will I end up this time? Who knows. Also, Mr. Lovely and I are kind of establishing a weekend tradition of going out to eat at a new restaurant and then watching the Euro cup. So far, it's been fun. We have tried Chinese, a few different burritos and a Hawaiian place. What's in store for this weekend?

This month I am looking forward to many things! In July, we have plans to see some friends from Madison, WI who will be here for a wedding (hi S&R!) Also, beach days with Bay Area friends are in the works. Also, Mr. Lovely's brother may come for a visit. To top it off, it's my Mom and Aunt's birthday, 4th of July, my friend's birthday and much more! July is a busy month! I am also considering signing up for a longer trail run in July to find out if I am ready for a 50k in August.

This year I am looking forward to figuring out the future a little. Things have been kind of up in the air for the past year or so. Mr. Lovely decided to go back to school to get his Structural Engineering License (PE). I have been wondering about my future, both professionally and personally. Hopefully after this summer, I will have more of a handle on where we will be, as well as what we will be doing, at least for the next year or two. We have many decisions to make, but many of them are reliant on what happens now, in order to figure out what happens later. I hate waiting and will be glad when the future is a little clearer.

What are you looking forward to? Have you been watching the Euro Cup? What will you be doing in July? (want to come visit for a beach day?)


  1. You do have a lot to look forward to! I would have a hard time with the uncertainty of your future - you are handling it so well. I'd be biting my nails and fretting over it... but then again, things have a way of working themselves out!

    In July, I have an awesome 1.5 week vacation which includes 5 days at my parents lake home and 6 days in the Pacific NW. CAN'T WAIT. I am also looking forward to getting my CFA results and amping up my marathon training.

    I would LOVE to come visit you. For like a week. I wish I had more vacation time. I keep hoping I get sent to CA for work while you are still there and can finagle a meet up with you..

  2. July is such a fun month, and it sounds like you have a lot of great stuff planned! I'm super excited for...the olympics! Is it nerdy that I can hardly wait?!

  3. I love these posts ... they're short but so insightful! We are a futbol family, so we have also been following the EuroCup. Sweets says he doesn't care who wins, but he wants to see Spain go down, since they won it all last year. =) Our July is a bit wide open right now. My freshman year roommate from college will be in town with her family, so we'll spend some time with them. We also have a camping trip planned with Gavin's cousins and some of our friends. Besides that? Lots of cycling, a White Sox game with friends, date night (TBD, but I already lined up a babysitter!)and Sweets gets to go to trapeze school (a Father's Day gift from Gavin)!

  4. What a wonderfully upbeat post!
    That long run in Santa Cruz sounds fantastic. (I've got 16 and 18 coming up in the next few weeks... and would much rather be running those long miles in California than in Florida's heat!) ;)

  5. We've been watching the Euro Cup when we can remember. Allan loves soccer but if he doesn't set a reminder on his phone about games he will forget them. He's out of town this week and will miss the Spain game tomorrow. He's NOT happy.

    Congrats to Mr. Lovely on going back to school for his Structural Engineering License! I wish I was going to be in CA longer next month so I could see you!

  6. Good luck on your 19 miler and I hope you enjoyed your hike:) I am looking forward to the summer and warmer weather. The boys get out of school today which means the summer hiking can begin! Yay!

  7. Those are some great things to look forward to. I haven't been watching the Euro Cup and probably won't because I'm just not into it, but I AM looking forward to the Olympics!


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