

My Lottery

You have probably already heard a lot about the Find Your Strong project that Saucony is doing. Each week, they ask you to submit a photo or a quote or a ritual...something that inspires you to keep running. You can do it too; today is the last day to submit your photo for week 5 (your favorite sites on your run), and tomorrow there will be a new challenge for week 6.

The reason I bring this up is because I submitted one of my favorite running quotes for week 2 and I won! I won a new pair of Saucony Kinvaras. The Kinvara is a lightweight minimal shoe with a low heel drop. I received them in the mail the other day. I have never tried a minimal shoe before and am looking forward to their maiden voyage. I have read a little bit online about it and know that I will start slow at first, but other than that, I am not sure what to expect. You will hear back from me on that a bit later.

Not exactly my favorite colors, but not as ugly as I thought it would be! :)

But wait. There's more. I think I probably should have bought a lottery ticket when the jackpot was so high back a few weeks ago. Did you know that I have never bought a lottery ticket before? I should have that week because last month was a very lucky month for me. On top of winning the Kinvara, I also received:

- The Nature Box from Carrie: I have been rationing the goods, but so far am loving the pistachios, which are one of my favorite nuts and a really nice treat, especially these ones which are seasoned with salt and black pepper, so they have a bit of a kick! However, I am not sure the package is worth the $20/month price tag. In my box: currants, pistachios, dried pears, trail mix and pumpkin seeds.

- Dahlicious Lassi from Toni: I have not tried this yet, because I haven't found any stores near me that have it. But I will try it when I get the chance. It looks so good!

- Profoot Insoles and Moleskin from Marcia: I haven't used these yet, but plan to use them in my hiking boots, where they are much needed. And the moleskin has gone into my running bag just in case!

- 8 Pack of Peanut Butter Gu from Strava: I had to run 100 miles in a month to get this one, so it technically wasn't a "freebie" but I will count it as a win. Also, I have never tried PB flavored Gu. It sounds interesting. I wonder if I can make sandwiches out of it.

- Mystery Box from XLMIC: She said something about a sausage. I think there will also be some Nuun and other sports recovery bars/drinks etc.

Thanks to all my fellow bloggers for hosting these giveaways and allowing me to try fun new things that I may not be adventurous enough to try on my own! Have I mentioned how cool running bloggers are? No? Well, let me reiterate. Running bloggers are VERY cool.

"You don't get better at running hills by walking them". (this was one of the other winning running quotes for week 2, and my favorite out of the bunch!)

Do you enter contests? What's the best thing you have ever won? Have you tried any of the above products?

**I won all these products fair and square. Nobody asked me to say anything regarding any of them. All opinions are my own. 


  1. Wow, you are on a roll! I am trying to think of the best thing i have won... but nothing is standing out in my head? I won some chia seeds once and that was cool because I had never tried them!

    I have not tried any of the products!

  2. I love the kinvaras - hope you will too!

  3. Winner winner chicken dinner girlie!!! Lucky you!!! I bought those them! They are my Mother's Day present!

  4. Wow you have been super lucky this month! And yeah, I think there must be a rule somewhere that running shoes have to be ugly because I have yet to get a pair that aren't some shade of hideous.

  5. Wow for some awesome luck. Glad you're enjoying the Nature Box. Enjoy the shoes!! That's an awesome prize.

  6. Very cool, you were on a lucky streak! I have a pair of the original Kinvara, I still use them but only on the treadmill. I'd like to try on the more recent models. The best thing I've ever won was my Brooks jacket, love it!

  7. I don't usually enter contests, but I think I might now! Looking forward to hearing more about the shoes.

  8. I have a pair of Kinvara 2s and absolutely love them. I have been doing my speed workouts in them and last week rocked a half marathon with them. I love me some Saucony.

  9. You sure did have a fruitful month! Goodness! Last month was the first time I ever bought a lottery ticket, which was actually pretty stupid. If I want better odds of winning, I should buy a lottery ticket when the winnings are *only* $50 or $100 million, rather than $350 million, when everyone and their mother is buying tickets! And that's likely why I don't ever win anything! ha.

  10. Don't you love winning stuff!!!!! and shoes to boot! I love it :) I won my current shoes through a giveaway and I hope to win another, as running is far too expensive for me :)

  11. You sure did hit the jackpot!! Don't you just love that?

  12. Congrats how fun! I enter stuff often but hardly ever win. I won a snowboard once over 10 years ago....

  13. Better head to Vegas or Reno...or at least the Oaks Card Club :P Use that luck and generate a little cash ;-)

  14. Love the PB Gu. And thanks for the heads up on the Saucony thing.

    Nice going on all the great prizes... I love winning giveaways and have gotten some really wonderful stuff since I started blogging, most of which I would never have purchased for myself... lovely!

  15. Amazing! What a fun winning month for you! I just found out I won a box of Chobani so I'm excited about that!

  16. Congratulations on all of your winnings!


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