

Lovely News

I have to be honest with you all. 

I have been hiding something from you. There are a couple of reasons for this. One, I am a doubting Thomas. I don't really believe that something good is going to happen until it actually happens. This is especially true when it is something that I have absolutely no control over. I mean, I doubt no matter what, while at the same time hoping that plans will go through, but still keeping that low expectation in my mind so I won't be disappointed later on. I know that is no way to be, since it limits my getting super excited over anything because there is always a seed of..."will it really happen?" in my mind.

Also, I feel like if I say it out loud and then it doesn't happen, I look like a flake, or like someone who doesn't follow through, even if it wasn't my fault that the thing didn't happen. So I just keep my mouth shut until things are in place. 

I am a planner, so when I know for sure something is happening, I like to do everything I can to make it go smoothly and be perfect, but if there is a chance it won't happen, I am kind of at loose ends, not knowing if I should start buying stuff/moving stuff/working on things/organizing things/making plans or if I should just sit back and wait. Which I am NOT good at.

Anyway, this time the waiting has paid off. Mr Lovely, who recently decided to go back to school, applied for some research projects with different schools around the country and he got accepted for one in Santa Cruz, which is about 60 miles away from San Francisco. The project is for 10 weeks and it starts in a week! I am excited because as you may or may not know, he lives near Boston and we only see each other once in a while, so this will be some much needed time spent together. Also, what better place to spend a summer than on the beach!?

Lighthouse Point Park

We had a heck of a time finding an apartment. We wanted something furnished. Since it is only 10 weeks, it doesn't really makes sense for me to move all my furniture etc down there (my storage is about 200 miles away), load it and unload it, just to load it up and move it back in a couple of months. However, you may be surprised, but apparently we are not the only ones looking for a furnished, short term rental near the beach for the summer.  So we went with plan B, which is to get an unfurnished place. I have the essentials already, like kitchen stuff, linens, some small appliances and bedding. Our next adventure is a trip to the thrift store for (hopefully) a couple of ugly cheap pieces of furniture which we will have Salvation Army pick up at the end of the summer.

Something like THIS maybe? (source)

Or this? (source)

So right now my car is jam packed full of odds and ends. Our move in date is set for June 3. We are ready for a new adventure! Bring it on!

Have you ever been to Santa Cruz? Do you have any tips on buying used furniture?


  1. oh that is such exciting news!! i am the same as you-don't like saying thins aloud until it is set in stone

  2. Oh wow! That is so cool! Living on the beach seems like a once in a lifetime sort of opportunity so I am glad you guys are making it work. And hooray for having some time together after being apart so much during the year!

    I've never been to Santa Cruz... some day!

  3. That's great news! What a wonderful 10 weeks you'll have :)

    Yes I've been to Santa Cruz. No, no tips on buying used furniture. I would probably skip on anything like the second photo. LOL Is that a stool?

    Have a great day Kyria.

  4. YAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! I can't wait to see you both there then!!! Holy cow I'm so excited!!!! Yay for you and Mr. Lovely!!!!!

  5. How exciting! I know you both must be so excited to get to spend so much more time together this summer.

  6. SO EXCITING. You're living my dream!!!

  7. That will be so much fun!!! I've always wanted to live ON the beach! What a great summer you have ahead of yoU! :)

  8. Craigslist is a great place for used furniture. One of my friends bought all her furniture from her house on there! Just be careful who you meet!!

    I'm excited for you, though! And you're going at the best time - summer! Woo!

  9. Yay!!! SOOO exciting!!! Good luck with looking for furniture and such!

  10. How fun! Sounds like the makings of a good summer!

  11. Oooh, so exciting!!! Good luck with the move!! Enjoy!!!

  12. Awesome!! I am the exact same way about not wanting to say anything until things are totally in place. I'm always afraid that I will jinx it or something. I'm so glad that this time it's working out for you. Sounds like a fun summer is coming up!

  13. Wow, going from living on opposite sides of the country to in one apartment is going to be quite a change! Good luck.

  14. Wow, that's exciting! Sounds like a great adventure for the summer!

  15. Yay, so exciting! What a great adventure and fun to be by the beach:) I have never been to Santa Cruz. Can't wait to hear all about it! Lucky you, to be able to run by the beach whenever you want:)

  16. That is such great news, Kyria! What an amazing summer plan! I would imagine you could find something at a Salvation army or Goodwill, or try Craigslist? I'm so excited for you!

  17. Sounds like you have an amazing summer ahead! For furniture I would say yard/tag sales, salvation army, goodwill and craigslist.
    No ideas from me :)

  18. Wow that sounds like it will be an AWESOME summer!I bet there will be some amazing places to run down there too. FUN!

  19. Now, THAT is a way to brighten my Tuesday! That's fantastic news. So exciting! I haven't ever been to Santa Cruz, but I hear fabulous things about it. Plus, who cares about the town ... you're gonna live on/near the beach!!!

  20. Yay! That is really fantastic news! I am so happy you get to live with your bf for a few weeks... and at the beach at that, amazing! :) I've been to Santa Cruz once earlier this year and loved it. :)

  21. If you're moving this weekend, does that mean you won't make it to the brunch?

  22. I've heard great things about Santa Cruz, and it ALL sounds good so just ENJOY your time together and the salty air:)

  23. Oh gosh I am so much like that too.. almost afraid to jinx things by taling about them too soon! So excited for you.

    Yes, I do know Santa Cruz - love the waterfront park and pier. We have dear dear friends who live in Aptos which is right close by.

    I think you are going to have a wonderful romantic beach summer. Sounds like a book to me!

    Enjoy and tell lots! :)

  24. Summer at the beach -- very cool. Until about 2 months ago I worked in Santa Cruz but was driving there each day which was not so fun.


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