

Foodie Reveal: May

The Lean Green Bean
This month I thought it would be fun to participate in Lindsay's Foodie Pen Pal program. It's pretty easy; you just sign up. On the 5th of the month you find out who you are buying for and who is buying for you! You have 10 days to get to know them and figure out if they have any food restrictions or preferences before you have to send your box! It's a great way to try new things and to meet new friends!

The person who picked me was Andria. She is my kind of girl: a runner, a user of strange pantry items and a lover of red wine and dark chocolate. She did a great job picking out items for my box! You can tell she put a lot of thought into it and paid attention to what I said I liked and disliked!

The Loot
1. Dark Chocolate Bar: I used this to make the Garbanzo Brownies and I think that it had a huge (positive) influence in the way they taste! Of course I tried some beforehand and it was delicious! 80% cacao! Yum. Andria did such a good job of picking not only things I love, but this chocolate is also fair traded and organic, which is an added bonus.

2. Homemade Maple Oat Muffins: These were so good I ate them all in about two days. Well I didn't want them to go bad!

3. Lara Bars: She didn't even know it, but these are my favorite (or maybe she snooped on my blog)! I love trying new ones, so the Blueberry was a nice treat!

4. Spicy mix: This was gone after the first day, since I took it with me to my parent's house and together we pretty much demolished it!

5. Coffee: YUM. French Roast? Even better! Another local treasure!

6. Justins Nut Butters: I have never tried these, as they tend to be a bit expensive, but have always wanted to! I love peanut and almond butters and since I travel/move around a lot, this size is perfect!

7. Spicy Curry Mix: I am saving this for a curried tofu dish I want to make! I love curries and trying new things when cooking, so I am excited to try it out! 

Thanks again Andria! You can also go over to Amber's to see what I sent to MY foodie pen pal! 

Have you ever tried any of these items? What is your favorite Nutrition bar? Have you ever had a pen pal, foodie or otherwise?


  1. Oh cool, what a great exchange. You got some awesome things. I love dark chocolate, too! Yum!

    My fave nutritional bar is probably the Larabar as well. My fave is the banana bread. They are so dense, though, so I can't eat it all at once.

    I had a pen pal when I was in elementary school, but not since then!

  2. Looks like a fun exchange!

  3. What a fun idea! Lindsay organizes this every month? Damn, good for her! I love what you got! I'm a sucker for any bar that combines chocolate and peanut butter ... but, my favorite bar just might be Cliff Bar's chocolate mint flavor. Mmmmmmmm!!!!

  4. Oh, yum! What a fun swap! I have always wanted to try Justin's almond butter too, but haven't found it here!

  5. I heart Foodie Pen Pals. What a fun box you received. LOVE dark chocolate!!

  6. You will LOVE the Justin's--they are local to Boulder and I buy them as treats for people quite often.

  7. Dark chocolate ? mmm - ranks near the top of my food chain.

    Coffee - yep, has to be extra dark roast - I get mine from Douwe Egberts (Holland) through a local importer (it must have something extra in it 'cause I'm hooked).

    Justins Nut Butters - they sound mouth watering.

    As for pen pals - do fellow bloggers count ?

    Read through quite a few of your recent posts - always time well wasted !


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!