

12 in 2012 Update

When Jill asked me if I wanted to join the 12 in 2012 Running Challenge**, I thought, "that sounds like fun", but I didn't realize how much it would consume me, not only my time and energy during races, but my time and energy looking for / deciding on races and my time and energy looking for running routes and training for races. Not to mention that, like travel, once the running bug has bitten you, you are doomed. I made my friend run a 5k with me when I went to visit her in Kansas. I made Mr. Lovely run a 5k (I ran the 10k) with me when we went to Florida on vacation. I am dragging my friend K out to do run/walk intervals once a week. I am perceived as the "healthy" friend. How did that happen? On the other hand, I am seen as an obsessive compulsive nut job. Guilty as charged! 

**In case you are not familiar, the 12 in 2012 Challenge is a goal to do 12 Half Marathons, ideally one a month, for the year of 2012. You can see my post about it up at Fitfluential.

So, one third in, two to go. How has it been so far? 

The first race, the Coyote Hills in Fremont, was a nice hilly race on a bike path. At the time I considered this a trail. Until I actually ran a trail race. This race was in a beautiful location, with views of San Francisco across the bay and perfect weather. There were several hills and a little bit of single track, but it was mostly wide and fairly flat. I had a new PR of 1:47:03 (Recap HERE )

The second, the Bay Breeze Half in San Leandro, was also along the bay (but farther north) and was on a nice wide asphalt bike path, as well as some packed gravel. This was a windy and slightly chilly race, but the course was totally flat. This race got me another PR and second in my age group at 1:42:40 (Recap HERE ).

The third, in Chico, was the Bidwell Classic. This day I was under the weather. However, the weather at the race was great and the course was a nice double loop around Bidwell Park. And I got served water by the firefighters. Best part of any race so far! I did not PR, but was still very happy with my time, at 1:44:04 (Recap HERE).

April's race was the Grizzly Peak Trail Run in Berkeley, which showed me what a trail race was all about. There were several 700 ft elevation gains, and a total ascent of 4496 ft. It was muddy and steep and very, very slippery. However, the views of the city once I got to the top made all the work totally worth it. I came in at 2:14:55 and third in my age group (Recap HERE).

So, what's next, you ask? Good question. I really liked the trail race. It was fun, the group was smaller and the time is not so much of a factor. I will probably do a couple more of of them. However, I do plan on doing a marathon in a few months, so I don't want to do hills ALL the time, so I will probably throw a couple of "fast and flat" courses in there as well. Maybe.

The tentative schedule for the next third of the challenge: 

May - Cinderella Trail Run -- Oakland
June - San Lorenzo Trail Run -- Santa Cruz / Zombie Runner SF -- San Francisco
July -  Golden Gate Trail Run -- Marin Headlands
August - Summer Breeze Half -- San Leandro / Marathon

Coupled with that, there are a few other races I have planned. May 5th, only 2 weeks away, is The Relay, my first relay race. I am excited about the race, but as the days get nearer, I am not sure I like having to deal with the additional logistics of transfers, additional people, food, driving, etc. It's already hard enough to get one person (me) to the start line on time with food in my belly and proper clothing. But I will tell you more after I am done. 

Also, there is a relay race around Lake Tahoe (after I just said I wasn't sure about relays!) which is 70 odd miles around. It is 7 runners who run roughly 10 miles each. It's June 9th. Anybody want to do it? You have to sign up by May 15 to get a good price. 

So, the insanity goes on. However, I am not the only nut job. You can see some of my bloggy buddies recount their tales as well. Go check out Jill, Jill, Nancy, Courtney, Suz, and Rachelle as well as the other participants when you get the chance and root them on!

Have you ever taken on a challenge that has taken over? Are you a list maker? How are your goals for 2012 going so far?


  1. Great post Kyria! Taken over is an understatement :) I have to admit I didn't fully realize the challenge of the logistics of running 12 half marathons but so far so good. I've learned to be extremely flexible!

    I'm an avid list maker. If it's not written down it's not likely to be remembered. My goals? They're actually going great :)

    I can't wait to hear how the relay goes!! 2 weeks yikes! I still have a few months to anticipate that challenge.

  2. Look at all the trail races! Awesome. I too love making lists. I'm a tad overextended on running related travel this year to say the least.

  3. If I had vacation funds and vacation time, I would totally do that 70 mile race with you - that sounds awesome. I could do something like that, but not the all night relay type of races, like the one you are doing. They just don't appeal to me for the reasons you listed (logistics, etc). Also, I am an awful person to be around when I am over-tired!!

    A challenge that I've taken that has taken over is definitely the CFA. It's pretty much all I think about, and really all I do with most of my free time. I'm studying about 18 hours/week these days, so it's a huge time commitment!

    Besides that, my goals for 2012 are going well. I paid off my medical bills and the balance on a card that I had been meaning to pay off. And I have been living very frugally and really paying attention to how I am spending my money! I've always been fiscally responsible, but now I am REALLY trying to reign it in and build up my savings.

  4. I love making lists and planning details. Planning races I want to do I love almost as much as running them and I have tentative plans WAY far in advance!

  5. Nice! Time to hit the trails, huh? Looks like a bunch of great races coming up.

  6. Wow, that's great initiative! Is it worldwide or location based?

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  7. You're doing awesome. I gave some thought to joining all of you, but knew I just couldn't add it to my plate this year. It's fun to cheer you all on.

    Good luck with the relay(s)! There are a lot of logistics to plan, but they are super fun.

  8. Great job! This challenge has totally taken over. It occupies my thoughts most of the time. Training, races, fueling, PR's. Plus trying to pick out a fun outfit for the races:) The 29th will be my 3rd half (2 were virtual). I can't wait, I have the perfect outfit picked out:)

  9. Way to go! So impressed with your running. Trying to get myself up to speed to do one race has been challenging enough. ;) Still deciding what my next goal will be. Appreciate the comment on my blog.

  10. I love that you're known as the healthy friend! The relay sounds like a fun new challenge, I'm looking forward to hearing about it. And I didn't realize you were running another marathon this summer, too... good for you! You've got a packed schedule- what a great year of racing already, and more fun to come!

  11. Any kind of challenge for me involves lists and can get a little crazy. You have so many exciting races up ahead of you!

  12. Definitely an amazing challenging!

  13. This sounds like such a fun challenge! Maybe I will try to do the same next year... although I'm guessing it would be 13 in 2013? :) which would be even more appropriate since it is 13 miles!

    And I can totally relate - no clue how it happened but I am now seen as the "healthy" friend who gets people out there and running, and I have gotten 6 of my friends (including my sister who has cystic fibrosis) to participate in the Ottawa Race Weekend! It makes me so happy, and I'm so excited to cheer them on during their races :) (which are thankfully the day before the marathon).

  14. What a great challenge! And with a slew of races in California, you shouldn't have any problems finding one to race. Good luck with the rest of the challenge, sounds like it's going great :).

  15. I was so into this challenge as well and now life has gotten in the way. I'm still hoping to complete the challenge though! Great job you are doing!

  16. I think it's so awesome that you're doing this and it sounds like there are some really cool races coming up!

    My roommate and I are going to do the Zombie 5K in Temecula this October and I am SO excited!

  17. I absolutely loved this post! My race calendar really has taken over my schedule but I gave everyone a heads up on that in late 2011 when I decided this was something that I wanted to do.

    The Lake Tahoe relay sounds fun! Wish I were closer and could do it with you!


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