

Wine and Love (5)

Happy Thursday and Welcome to March! You know the drill; today we talk about what makes us whine, or why we feel like we need a glass of wine, vs what we love! Thanks to Nora for hosting. Make sure to go over to her site and link up!


- Top Chef is over! I won't spoil anything but the one I wanted to win, won! I guess this is kind of a funny wine, since I didn't watch the season really during the season. But I just caught up with it on my friend's On Demand and now I am sad that there is not another season to watch. That's what happens with the On Demand. They hook you!

- I have been very unmotivated lately. It's like being unmotivated begets being unmotivated. The less I feel like doing, the less I do and then I just feel like doing even less. Why is that? When I am super busy, I get so many more things done, even though I have less time. When I have time to actually do all those "to-dos" I always wanted to try/do, I don't WANT to!

- I have also been very hungry lately. Oddly enough, I have been eating more, but the things have less calories. I have been eating a lot of fresh veggies and salads and things like that, but I must be eating 10 pounds of food a day! ps I checked on to see what the average person eats and it's 4.7 lbs/day.

- The weather has been a lot cooler this week. I am not REALLY complaining, because it's snowing in Mr. Lovely's neck of the wood (and yours?) but still, I was LOVING the 70 degree days last week! 

- Running or lack thereof. So far, I've only run twice this week. Again, see wine #2. It has been very hard to get out the door and just do it. 


- Remember the Pilgrimage? My goal was to write 400 words a day, starting the 8th of February and going (at least) through the end of the month. My average per day was 488! I am happy about this, but want to try to step it up a little more in March.

- The weather this week. Okay, so it's not as nice as last week, but it's still not winter! So that makes me happy. It's actually perfect for running.

- Spring Break! Mr. Lovely, who went back to school, has a break coming up and we are going to hopefully spend it lying on the beach, sipping cold drinks and watching all the drunk college kids make fools of themselves. I mean, why not?

- This weekend I go to see my parents and to run my #3 Half Marathon. It is in a beautiful place and I am looking forward to the location, the race, and visiting with family!

- Remember this friend of mine? The adult? Her and I are going to a Chinese New Year celebration. Yes, we know it's a little late, but her friend, who is Chinese, is too busy during the actual time, so she has a party a month later. She spends over a week prepping for it by cooking up various things. I can't wait to see what she made! And eat it!

- Yoga. I did a half an hour today. I also did a half an hour of weights. It was one of my goals for the year to try to do something besides running at least once a week. It felt great and I did it while watching Top Chef so it was easy! I don't know why it's so hard for me to make time for it!

Do you do yoga? How was your hump/leap day yesterday? How is the weather where you are?


  1. Wait, are you coming to NOLA?

  2. I have a hard time making myself do yoga, but once I do I'm always glad I did. If only I could remember that more often!

  3. The weather sucks here. Cold and rainy with a hint of snow. I am not a huge fan of regular yoga, i have a hard time making my mind still for any period of time, that probably means I need it even more. I do like hot yoga though and really need to do it since my legs are still screaming from my half on Tuesday! Good luck on your half #3!

  4. I love Yoga - but like you, don't do it enough. You'd think with an injured foot I would have more time for it, but then there's that unmotivatd thing you mention that leads to less and less motivation...sigh.

    Little snow here, but mostly rain. Spring in the Pac NW! Good luck at your next race!

  5. One of my student's mom's made me some delicious Chinese food on Chinese New Year this year, so I am quite jealous you are going to a whole party dedicated to it- yum!!! Good luck with the half marathon!

  6. I need to do more yoga. I think I'm going to try to do a 45 minute practice this afternoon. Just need to get some writing and grading done first, but it should make for a nice break.

  7. I was going to say that your not the only one finding it hard to find motivation this week! We've been getting lots of snow and so it's been a lot of inside time this week. Have a great weekend!

  8. I have a yoga pass for 20 classes that I have got to start using but I kinda wanted to wait until May when I run my last half for the first half of the year. Good luck this weekend!

  9. I really need to add yoga into my routine... keep saying that, but it hasn't happened yet. I need a good dvd, any recommendations? I know what you mean about getting more done when you're busy, so weird how that works. Enjoy spring break, and your 3rd half!!

  10. I do not do yoga. I probably should because I could use a 'yen' influence on my life! ;)

    The weather had been mild here, then we got a dumping of snow last week so now it looks like winter. Meh. It has been so mild this winter, though, so I really can not complain. It was 23 today when I ran which was not bad at all, but a bit colder than i like (I prefer around 30).

    Have fun on spring break!! Where are you guys going? Have a drink w/ an umbrella in it (or a beer) for me!!


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