

Race You to The Finish!

Have you ever signed up for a race via lottery? What about a race that was not close to where you lived? I have done it twice. The first one was the NYC Half Marathon. I had just completed my first half marathon and when my friend said he was going to put his name in the lottery, I thought why the heck not. So I did. This was in April. The race was in August. I got in. The next several months consisted of a steady decline in training, culminating in a 90 degree, 2 hour and 14 minute, painful race. The view was spectacular. I think that is the only thing that got me through. 

I should have learned my lesson. 5 months ahead of time is a little bit too far in the future for me, planning wise. Even though I am a planner. But I didn't learn. In December, I put my name in the lottery for the Cherry Blossom 10 mile race, which is in Washington DC. In April. I got in. In case you were wondering, I live in California.

So, now the race is about a week away. I contemplated saying, "forget about it" and staying home, but it just so happened that I had a couple extra flight miles, so I used them to get myself a ticket to DC, where I will run the race. I am  also hoping to meet up with some blogger friends for lunch, play tourist, look at the pretty flowers, see some family and to go back to a couple of the Smithsonian Museums that I haven't been to in a few years. All I can say is that there better be some cherry blossoms there or I am going to be really mad.

In the meantime, I decided to keep up my fitness by doing a few smaller and virtual races. In case you need a little motivation, some of these are a great way to get it, without having to pay for a race, travel or even leave your neighborhood! Click on the thumbnails to go to the sites and sign up!

March 10: 10k -- time: 47:28
March 20: 10k -- time: 54:47 / 8:50/mi (goes until March 25th)

10k -- March 19 - 30

5k -- March 24

5k/ 10k/ Half Marathon -- April 1 - 8
Have you ever been to Washington DC? Have you ever signed up for a race but not ran it or not trained enough? Are you signed up for any of the above virtual races?


  1. I did the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile race last year and was totally under-trained. I was so overwhelmed with studying for the CFA AND getting my series 7 licensing, I did not make time to run... And it was a horrible winter/spring, so outdoor running wasn't happening and those treadmill runs did not prepare me for the race. So it was a horrible, horrible race. I puked twice. But I finished. And vowed to never run a race i wasn't properly trained for again.

    You, on the other hand, will do great at this race! The course is awesome. Had I not felt so horrible, I would have really enjoyed it as the cherry blossoms were gorgeous!!

  2. I went to DC once in high school. It was a bus trip overnight and then we spent the whole day in DC. We were exhausted but it was beautiful! My friend Jill from One Tough Cookie and a Beer is doing the Cherry Blossom too! You should contact her to meet up...she's part of the 12 in 2012!

  3. I often sign up for a race and don't train enough! I haven't done a lottery, although with the new standards for NYC I might have to if I want to run the marathon (women need a 3:00 marathon or a 1:27 half).

  4. Ooh I love DC. It's been such a beautiful spring that I'm sure the race will be awesome! Have fun!

  5. It's gorgeous here right now, and so the race next weekend will be fabulous. And we are TOTALLY MEETING UP. Totally. The end. I've already planned on being in DC all day on Saturday, and we'll have the older two kiddos with us so you'll get to meet my insanity. Baha!

    You'll finish the race in a normal time, whereas Aly and I will be crawling across the finish. Weeping.

  6. I work in DC and love it up there. I'm determined to race up there sometime this year, but I can't pick out one race that's right and affordable.

  7. I have never been to DC. I hope you have a great time and a great race! I am signed up for the jelly bean race too. I don't think I have ever signed up for a race and not run it. If I spent the money, I make myself go even if I really don't feel like it.

  8. I love DC, haven't been there in probably 10 years but what a great place. Hoping to get back there for a race soon.

  9. I always wanted to do the Cherry Blossom run when we lived on the east coast! I used to do Broad st many years (philly) and loved the 10 mile distance. Have fun! I'm also doing the spatula run, and I might have to sign up for the Jelly Bean one, too!

  10. That's so awesome that you race where you don't live- that way you get to see different places and run! I hope they have cherry blossoms for you too!

    But that's not really why I stopped by. I saw that you are on a no-book-buying spree over at A Little Pink in the Cornfields. Just wanted to let you know about Paperback Swap, which is a website where you can trade books with others on the site, and there are LOTS to choose from! The only cost when you ship books to others. Hope this helps! Have a great weekend!

  11. I know a lot of people running the CB this year. I love DC and have enjoyed every visit. One day I will get to run a race there :)

    I've never entered a race via lottery. I think I would be too anxious while waiting to find out.

    You're going to have a great time!

  12. I'm doing all of those virtual races which I think will be fun. I've never entered a race via lottery. Maybe one day I will but I prefer to stick to small races.

  13. I think entering a race like that would keep me more motivated to run because I'm already committed and wouldn't want to back out. It's easier for me to back out when it's local and I can't sign up until closer to the event.

    Good luck in DC! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  14. When I was racing more (marriage and a kid pretty much squashed that part of my life), I did a whole bunch of out of town races (I live in Chicago, BTW). Marathons in San Diego, Washington DC and New York City. Technically, the NYC marathon was a lottery, but I have a friend who (at the time) worked for the Chicago Marathon and was able to secure me a spot without dealing with a lottery. I've always wanted to run the Cooper River Bridge Run in Charleston...


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