

Running Related Tidbits

I finally made a tentative training schedule for the 12 in 2012 races. I wasn’t really sure how to do it, since I will be racing every 2 – 8 weeks. Basically, I am going to stick to the same running schedule I used for the marathon, which is two easier days of 5-7 miles, and two longer days, one of them being mid-week and roughly 6-10 miles, and one being on the weekend, which will be 10-15 miles. I figure I may as well keep my mileage up as well as I can for now. However, I don’t really feel the need to run more than 4 days a week. I don’t want to get burned out or bored with it. It’s supposed to be fun!

In other running related news, I have been logging my miles into Dailymile by hand, since I haven’t always had the internet to upload my Garmin. Then I had the internet the other day, so I plugged my Garmin in and uploaded all 60 runs that I was missing. So now I have double miles on Dailymile. Does anyone know if there is a way to do a batch edit, instead of having to delete each run, one by one?

This weekend I ran for Sherry, who is a runner from Montana who went missing last month. You may have heard about it on the news. Her body was never found. They declared her dead just the other day. Her cousin hosted the run on her blog, and I was excited to take part.  As a runner, it makes you think twice about where and when you are running, even though you don’t really want to think about that kind of stuff. I usually tell someone where I am going and when I think I will be back and I wear a Road ID in case I get hit by a car, but unfortunately, you really can’t prevent everything.

I ran11 miles out and back on a nice clear, cold day in the mountains. This one's for you, Sherry. I hope that by having so many supporters running this run for her, her family and friends will feel the massive support of the running community. I know a lot of other people did this for her and I love being a part of such a caring group.

Did you run for Sherry?  Do you have any suggestions as far as my training schedule? Do you know if Dailymile has a group edit?


  1. I did not know Daily Mile had a group edit option...then again a lot of my runs are on the mill lately. What an amazing turnout for the Run for Sherry. Such a beautiful tribute!

  2. Way to get your run for Sherry in. Such a great tribute to her and I hope her family feels the love and support from everyone who participated:)

  3. I'm taking the same approach, finally working on my training plan yesterday to get me through tri season. It's the same basic week repeated over and over and with lots of other races thrown in there. Which is really bad, I should plan some more periodization. But I can't seem to get my head wrapped around it.

  4. hmm...not sure about the dailymile edit....
    didn't hear about the run until just It does make you think about safety though. I showed my husband how to look up my gps of my garmin online...and I always turn off my beeps on my watch - that way if someone took me - hopefully they would assume it was just a watch and not a garmin with gps.

    xoxo from Trinidad

  5. Nice job on the 11 for Sherry! I think you're training plan sounds great... not too little, not too much. I kind of wish I had signed up for it too, what a fun challenge!

  6. I don't know how I missed this "run for sherry" thing, there are several blogs in my reader who did it and this is the first I've heard of it. How tragic! I ran 12 on Saturday and I wish I'd known as I would dedicate those miles to this event. God, I'm rattled over how horrific that is.

  7. I did not get a chance to run on Saturday. :( I had such a full day between studying and babysitting... It is awesome to see how many participated. I do hope they eventually find her body - what a horrible story!

    I used to joke about how i could go missing and I'd tell my co workers that if they saw a news story about an unidentified female runner found dead, it was probably me. Then finally one day a co worker was like - you should stop joking about it and get some sort of identification. So I got a road id. When Amber and I trained for our marathon, we always told each other when/where we were running. Yes, we live halfways across the country from each other, but she had my family's contact info and I had hers. I didn't think my family who lives close by would want a text every time i ran so it worked better to let Amber know. ;)

  8. I've not heard of this missing gal. What a sad story. I couldn't imagine!

    Congrats on your committment for doing 12 races in 2012. That's awesome. I wish I had you motivation. I have 6 weeks til DC - I better get my bum back outside! I took the night off and I'm regretting it now :/

  9. Your training plan is very similar to mine. It was tough coming up with a plan. Trying to wrap my brain around racing every 2-8 weeks was a big mental block. It's such a relief to finally have a plan. The turnout for Running for Sherry is amazing.


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