

Bay Breeze Race Recap

Race #2 of the 2012 Running Challenge went well overall. The Bay Breeze Half Marathon, held in San Leandro, was also a Brazen race, just like race #1. If you recall, I really liked the last one (Race #1 recap HERE), so much so that I signed up for another. They are pretty cheap, compared to other races, and a lot of them are on dirt or gravel trails or paths rather than asphalt. (photo credit)

So, I know you are all wondering: how did it go!? The race was scheduled for 8 o'clock, which was not as nice as the 9 o'clock start that the last one had. A friend of mine went with me and getting her and the baby out the door and to Peet's as well as driving the 40 minutes to the start, was difficult.  We made it, but I would have rather started a little later. 

The weather started off windy, as the course was right near the water. As always, I was confused about what to wear, and not in the girly sense. We went to pick up the packet and it was a madhouse. Even though the lines were marked with letters for last names, people were everywhere and it was not well organized. It was such a difference from the last one! Last time I just walked right up and got my bib with no problems. Also the shirt line (separate from the bib line) was a mess as well, so I decided to get it after the race. 

The race went well; after the first mile the crowd was thinned out enough that I didn't have to worry about passing people, or them passing me. Most of the course was right on the water and was a nice, flat, out and back. The only thing I could say I didn't like was that the gravel in certain areas was big pieces of gravel and my feet started to be a little sore by the end. You can kind of see it in the below photo.

photo taken by race volunteer
Once I finished, I went to the t-shirt line, which was still pretty unorganized and they only gave us shirts, no other goodies. So that was a little disappointing. I always like the little samples you get afterward and I need a new pair of running shoes, so one of those Sports Authority coupons would have come in handy. However, I was not too sad, since I knew there would be Its-Its to make me forget. I went toward the food and coffee area and was wondering what all the people were in line for, until I realized...that was the food line! There must have been 200 people in line! Next time, get the darn 5k people out of the way by the time the half marathon people come in! I couldn't even get a water!

I decided that I could just go and buy myself a $2 Its-It and my friend and I left to find one. So, I wish the packet pickup, swag and after party had been a bit more organized. Other than that, the course was great. And I finished. The End.

Photo taken by my friend K's and her iPhone
Just kidding. I got a new PR, and I am very proud to say that my average time per mile was under 8 minutes! My final official chip time was 1:42:40 or 7:50/mile. So I got under the 1:45 mark and the 8 minute mile mark. This is exciting because when I was in High School, my fastest mile was about a 7:55. So I beat my High School self! Woo hoo. Take that. I guess the course was flat and fast, just like they said. No wonder it's called the Bay Breeze! (funny fact: the slowest mile was mile 1 at just over 8 minutes; the fastest mile was mile 13 at 7:37. I guess I wanted to get it over with!)

I am still kind of bummed about the Its-Its though. Did you know they've been a "San Francisco experience" since 1928?  

My next 12 in 2012 race will be the Bidwell Classic on March 3rd.

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Have you ever had an Its-Its? Do you like ice cream sandwiches? What was your fastest mile in high school?


  1. Awesome job Kyria! I've never tried an Its-Its or even heard of it for that matter. I didn't run in high school. I wish I had.

    My next 12 in 2012 is March 18. Looking forward to it!

  2. Nice, you just keep getting faster. Good job.
    I didn't run in high school - I just started really running two years ago - and I actually still don't have a mile time! I did run a 5:59 as part of mile repeats on the track last month, but I think I could go faster - that was the 4th out of 5 reps so I was kind of tired. Now you have me curious to try!

  3. Wow, a 1:42 is fantastic! Great job. I hate it when the stuff is really unorganized like that.

  4. Congrats on the PR! that's an awesome time!

  5. Awesome job! WooHoo! Never had an Its its. I better click on your link. Hated running in high school so no fast times here. I should go to the track and do a fast mile. That might be fun!

  6. wow! Great PR - awesome time! Too bad for the unorganized race - but I would deal with that for a PR anytime! :)

  7. What an awesome race!! Congrats on a new pr, ride that high and celebrate! :)

  8. First off, I must not hae been to your blog in a while because I haven't seen that logo! It is so perfect and cute!! Never heard of Its Its before but I sure do love ice cream sandwiches!! What a bummer that it was so unorganized!!

  9. San Leandro? I grew up in Hayward and just moved to SoCal after living in Dublin :) I had some friends run this 1/2 too! Congrats on your new PR!! I signed up for my first half ever the Disney 1/2 on 9/2 ;) stopping by from fitness friday hop

  10. You just keep getting faster, lady! Congrats, that time is awesome!! I think you could BQ if you wanted to in a marathon eventually since you have the speed, obviously!! Well done, you!

    I've never heard of ItsIts. I will have to try it when I come to California (I need to come visit eventually!!)

  11. Great job! Congrats on the new PR. What do you have lined up for the next race?

  12. Oh my gosh, that's awesome! I was feeling so let down there at the beginning. I like the idea of a half marathon and other distances running together but I do enjoy all of the attention being focused on the half marathon finishers. It's nice when someone is literally putting water, a sports drink, and fruit in your hand as soon as you cross the finish line.


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