

Notes and Peeves: Race Day

The race went well. I have a few notes to share about it and then you'll have to stay tuned for the recap, which will be posted on Friday! But first, a few random notes.

{1} Runners World wrote an article called Why is Running so White? I found it interesting that although the top performers are usually African, they stated that "Core runners" (who tend to enter running events and train year-round) are 90 percent Caucasian, 5.1 percent Hispanic, 3.9 percent Asian/Pacific Islander, and, in perhaps the most startling figure, only 1.6 percent African-American. Well Heads Up RW! Get your butt over to the Bay Area! We've got all kinds of runners over here!

{2} I believe that it is bad luck to wear your race shirt the day of the race. Plus, I think that you should not wear it before you EARN it! It would be like wearing a shirt that says, "I have a BS in Biology" when in fact you are still a freshman!

{3} When running a single track trail race, DON'T stop short in the middle of the trail! Also, when you are running on a double track, please don't run intervals, causing me to have to pass you and then you passing me and then me passing you the entire 2nd half of the race! It's hard enough to pass people when you HAVE to!

This guy was in my way from mile 6 - 12!
Other than that, the race was good! They had coffee and hot cocoa beforehand. The shirts were v-necked technical tees. They had overflow parking and a shuttle to take you back and forth. If you got there early enough, you could park at the race start, but it cost $5 (park fee). The booths were set up well; it was really easy to find the packet pickup and sweat check. There were plenty of port-a-potties at the start, but none on the course.

The course was beautiful. It was two loops around with a little bit of an out and back section. It was right on the bay it was a gorgeous clear day and you could even see the City (in the distance) from the course!  It was partially a paved bike path type trail, with sections of gravel trail and a small section of single track.

Afterward, there were cool medals. There was plenty of water and the snacks were amazing! There were ice creams and pie and cookies! I think they may have even had some fruit. Just kidding, there were also bananas, apples, oranges and bagels. For drinks there was coffee, cocoa, water and power aid. All in all, I would say there was a pretty good set up!

Do you have any running or crowded place pet peeves? Do you have any race superstitions? What was the best post race food that you've ever been offered?

You may have heard that GFC is going the way of the dodo. I am not sure what the whole scoop is, but to stay in the loop, you can click SUBSCRIBE on my left top sidebar OR click here to subscribe to this blog using your favorite reader!


  1. I completely agree that you don't wear the shirt until you've already finished the race. To me, it's kind of a newb thing to do.

  2. Sounds like an intersting race. Not sure about the whole GFC thing either, but I added a network blog widget on my page since I already publish to FB and Twitter through Network Blogs.

  3. OMG - I can't stand when people wear their race shirts the day of the race dork move! Im glad you had a great race... I am still 2 months away from my half...starting to think I started training too soon... :-)

    xoxo from Trinidad

  4. I read that Runners World article as well. Very interesting!

    Sounds like quite the race! I agree on not wearing the shirt till after.

  5. Sounds like a beautiful location for a race. I agree on the weaving/passing people... it's always frustrating when people line up in the faster corrals than they can run, although it sounds like this race was pretty small if there was a single track at times. Looking forward to the race report!

  6. #2 is so right on! I hate it when people wear their race shirts before they run the race. Huge pet peeve!

  7. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Your looks great too! Looks like a fun race. There aren't many trail races in my neck of the woods....

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I deleted my first post cause I made a couple of typos in it and it looked terrible to me!

    I don't really care about the tee shirt thing. If people want to wear them I don't mind. I do agree that stopping or slowing when it impedes other runners is a bad thing.

    I will look forward to reading the race recap, Kyria.

  10. thanks....i feel like a bum today...that made me feel better... :-)

    xoxo from Trinidad

  11. I agree on not wearing the shirt, mostly because alot of them are cotton! Ouch! I don't wear cotton when running. I also don't like the people who run faster then slower then faster then slower. Ahhh!

  12. I don't normally wear a race shirt until the race is over but if it's a 5K then I may.

    Sounds like it was a beautiful race!


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