

A Change of Pace

Today is the last day of the Holiday Booty Buster Challenge! I took advantage of the new year to try a few different ways of keeping in shape! Actually I went to visit some friends and then did a little mini road trip around California! It's been bad for blogging, but great for hanging out and believe it or not, good on the exercise front (but BAD on the food intake!) Here are my days and points, with pictures to prove it! Total for this week: 50 points.

Saturday, Dec 31: 10 points
6 mile run
7 servings freggies
1 hour (3 mile) walk

Sunday, Jan 1: 3 points
1 mile walk (Resolution Run - x2 points)
7 servings freggies

Monday, Jan 2: 4 points
1 hour Pilates (3 points)
7 servings freggies

Tuesday, Jan 3: 14 points
9 hour (13 mile) hike
7 servings freggies

Yosemite, CA: 13 mile hike

Wednesday, Jan 4: 7 points
2 hour (6 mile) walk
7 servings freggies

Monterey, CA: 6 mile walk

Thursday, Jan 5: 6 points
5 mile run
7 servings freggies

Thursday and Friday's Running Route: Monterey

Friday, Jan 6: 6 points
5 mile run
7 servings freggies

All in all, not a bad week. It was fun to do some other activities besides running and to realize how sore they can make me! I see that I need to incorporate at least a day of weights, Pilates or other cross training into my routine!

Don't forget to check out Jill's blog, where she hosts Fitness Friday! Also Amanda at Run to the Finish is doing a Food Journal Challenge!

Did you do the HBBC? How did you do? Have you ever tried Pilates? Do you have as much trouble as I do keeping your hips straight?


  1. I did HBBC for the first couple of weeks but then kept forgetting to log my points so I guess I am an HBBC dropout. Great job keeping up with it!

  2. Wow, you did well, mine would look more like seven servings of candy every day...

  3. That is a popular challenge, and you did pretty good! Well done.

  4. You rocked this week for points! Way to go! I love how I feel after doing pilates but I really stink at it. It's much better if I do it in my house instead of in front of others!

  5. You did awesome!!! I wish we had places to hike here, that would be so fun!

  6. Awesome week! I used to love pilates, but haven't gone to a class in a long time. I need to check it out again!

  7. Wow, awesome job this week. I better hit the gym and end HBBC with a bang. Well, maybe a thud, I'm only at 11 points since I skipped my workout yesterday:( I will make it up today!

  8. I love hiking! California is so beautiful. I've only been to the LA/San Diego area before but I'd love to explore more of the northern part one day!

  9. I can't wait to visit Yosemite, great pics as usual! I am really good about weight training during the off season but as soon as I start triathlon training it seems to go out the window!

  10. I love pilates taught by the right person. I had a teacher that was awesome, but then they switched and I didn't like the new style he was doing.

    Great job in the HBBC. I am a big failure in it this year.

  11. Ooh, Monterey is so pretty. I ran along the water for a 13 mile training run when we drove down there two summers ago for my friend's wedding.

  12. WTG with HBBC!! I kept up with the challenge and just updated the last of my points. Next time I'm going to document with more photos.

    I love yoga. I haven't noticed my hips not being straight so I don't think so. Or maybe I'm just not noticing. Now I'm curious. I'll pay closer attention when I do yoga this evening.

  13. Awesome job on your HBBC, I missed the last two weeks because I kept forgetting to log my points, so I dropped out for being forgetful! You rocked girl!

    I have done piyo but never pilates, I am afraid it will kill me :)

    So jealous of your hiking, I must do that this year, I wanted to last year and never really did but hopefully this year I can!

  14. Wow, those photos are fabulous. You did really great on this challenge! After marathons, I sort of got burned out on running/training and my mileage sort of tanked, but you have maintained a good number of miles, which is aweomse!

    I have actually never done pilates!


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!