

The Best Lasagna Ever

Have you heard of the Pioneer Woman? I am sure you have, but if not, you can find her blog HERE. She makes a lot of down home things and sometimes even healthy things.  I have made a few of her recipes and they always turn out great. One of my favorites is the “Best Lasagna Ever”. 

The Best Lasagna Ever (**modified by me a tad)

Layer 1
10 oz lasagna noodles

Layer 2
3 cups cottage cheese
2 eggs, beaten
½ cup parmesan (**I used shredded, she calls for grated)
2 tlsp Italian seasoning**

Layer 3
1.5 lb ground beef
1 lb hot breakfast sausage
2 cloves garlic
2 cans (12 oz) whole tomatoes
2 cans (6 oz) tomato paste
Italian seasoning**
**2 cups chopped zucchini, celery, bell pepper or other veggies

Layer 4
1 lb mozzarella**

Brown the hamburger and sausage with the garlic. Once it’s done, drain off half the fat and add the rest of layer three to the pot. Let that simmer for about 45 minutes. While it’s cooking, mix together layer two and cook the lasagna noodles. Once everything is done, layer (in a 9x13 pan or similar) in order: 3 or 4 noodles, cottage cheese, meat, then add mozzarella. I usually make two pans at a time and can get two layers out of each. Instead of mozzarella on the very top layer, put parmesan on top (after the meat layer). Cook for about 30 minutes in a 350 degree oven.

I usually make two pans at a time and cook one right away and put the other in the freezer, where it will keep for a long time and you can make it whenever you want! If you are cooking from frozen, I found it best to leave it out all day and then cook it for about an hour and a half, but it depends on your oven strength (mine is weak).  You can also make it and then keep it in the fridge for a couple days before baking.

**Modifications:  I did use actual shredded parmesan, even though she says you can use Kraft. I also used real buffalo mozzarella, even though her photo shows the harder kind of mozzarella (like string cheese).  I also added veggies, which is not in her recipe, but I like to sneak them in when I can. For Italian seasoning, she uses separate ingredients of basil, parsley etc. But I found it easier to just use Italian Seasoning!

 If you are interested in calories, if you make this into 12 servings, it’s approximately 450-500 calories per serving. So it’s not necessarily low fat, but it sure is good! I use two pans and can get about 9-12 servings per pan, so that cuts it down a little. Except for the fact that I just eat TWO servings instead!

What is your favorite Lasagna recipe? Have you tried any of the Pioneer Woman’s recipes? Do you modify recipes or stick to the schedule?


  1. So now I'm hungry! I'm going to have to make this SOON!

  2. Wow this looks amazing. Especially for the nasty rain/snow we've been having lately! When the weather turns cold I crave yummy, dense carbs like nothing else. I will definitely be making this soon!

  3. You should be lauded for adding the vegetables.
    I've made lasagna with Italian sausage links, the meat crumpled, because I grew weary of the ground beef all the time as well as all- vegetable lasagnas which even meat-eaters loved. If it wouldn't be for the tomato sauce, I would sneak in fruit too.

  4. That looks awesome... I've never made any of her recipes, but have heard they're all good! I was planning to make a lasagna this week, too, for the first time in months! It's nice to have something that can be frozen for future meals, too. I would have added veggies to it, too. :)

  5. I've heard of Pioneer Woman, but surprisingly haven't been over to hear blog. This recipe looks great, but I'm totally with you on throwing in veggies. I recently saw a lesagna recipe on pinterest that uses zuchinni instead of noodles. Looking forward to trying that.

  6. Sounds delicious! I have heard of the pioneer woman. I made a stirfry recipe of hers and wasn't happy with the sauce as it was SO salty... but I would be willing to try her recipe again!

    I made a great veggie lasanga when i Had my family over on Black Friday and it turned out SO good.

  7. I love Pioneer Woman! Made a few of her stuff and usually have to modify it because I couldn't find the ingredient or I have something almost similar and don't want to go out and buy a new thing of something.

    Lasagna looks good. I may have to make some soon. That will make the boyfriend very HAPPY!

  8. I love Ree, but I've never made a single one of her recipes. I have no idea why not. And now I NEED THAT LASAGNA!!

  9. I have yet to be brave enough to make lasagna myself!


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