

12 in 2012 (2): January

A while back, I joined up with Jill for the 12 in 2012 running challenge. You can read more about it on her site HERE. It entails running 12 half marathons in 2012, which sounded like a great idea to me! I thought it a great way to keep myself motivated and to possibly get to run a few races in places I have never been.

I will admit, I have had a hard time deciding how to schedule these races. I should have known that it would not be easy, since I travel a lot for work and don't really have a "home base" so to speak. And even when I do have a semi-home-base, I don't know how long I will be there, since my work is on a contractual, as needed basis and can arise at the drop of a hat.

So, I wondered, how the HECK was I going to plan 12 races this year!? Well, I started off by assuming I would be home, in California. I used Running in the USA to figure out where the upcoming half marathons near me were. Of course, I am hoping I will not be home, but at least this gives me a little bit of a plan, even though it IS tentative! There are some REALLY fun looking races in my area and there are also races year round, which is more than I expected! Luckily within 100 miles of me, there is pretty good winter weather conditions!

Next up was my training schedule. This has been hard, I have to be honest. First there was Christmas and family and then New Years and travel (with hiking and pilates though!) and the next week it was roofing and sorting! There just seems like a lot to do and I am so tired! But I am trying to run at least 15-25 miles a week, even though it has been a chore (and I haven't quite made my mark each week). Thank goodness for the HBBC or else I may have been a real lazy person during the holidays. Training has not been as good as I wanted, but it has not gone away entirely!

Dec 19 - 25: 28 mi run
Dec 26 - Jan 1: 20 mi run (+ 4 mi walk)
Jan 2 - Jan 8: 10 mi run ( +19 mile hike / 9 mi walk)
Jan 9 - Jan 15: 8 mi run (+24 hr roofing)

As you can see, I am going steadily downhill, which was not the plan at all! But, this week I have 11 miles so far, and plan to run 6 today and a 10 mile run this weekend, giving me roughly 27 miles.

The weekend after, I have my first of twelve half marathons for the year! It is the Coyote Hills Half in Fremont, CA. Since most of my running lately has been trail running, I decided to sign up for a semi-trail run. I am very excited to try something new, and kind of relieved to not have to attempt a PR, since trail running is already a little slower anyway! I plan to have fun and hopefully get some of my drive back!

Has anyone else run their first race of the year yet? Is anyone else running THIS race?


  1. 12 half-marathons in a year? Pure insanity! :)

    I currently have a few races on the horizon for me but all 5Ks.

  2. I have not ran a race yet, but I am going to do a 1/2 in March with Ray! It's here in St. Paul so that should be fun. I was starting to be better about running... but then my trip to Chicago happened and I didn't get runs in like i thought I would. And now i have my surgery and won't be able to run while i recover... but I will get back into it! I did an 8 miles 2 weeks ago and it felt great, so I know my body will bounce right back!

  3. Cool! Have fun with that. Looks like a good race. There is usually a half marathon coming up everywhere, every month. So if you're ok saving the plans for the last minute so you'll know where you'll be, you can still get them all done. Or just strap on the Garmin and head out for a 13.1 mile jaunt to record the time.

  4. I had forgotten about your crazy (yet amazing!) goal! This should be so exciting to watch in 2012. Hope you have been doing good lately. I've been a little MIA :)

  5. That's a great goal! It can be tough but I have confidence you can do it! The traveling would be the hard part for me, I get lazy when I travel as far as long runs go. Good luck!

  6. I'm doing 12 in 2012 too! I have only done a 5k so far. I might have to double up on one of the months since my feet have been bothering me this month. Good luck on your first half of the year!

  7. Sounds great. Your schedule sounds like a tough one to work around but you'll figure something out. I am volunteering for a half/marathon in February, running my second half in March and also a 5k...I think. Other than that, I'm just focusing on getting in better shape. Keep it up girl!! :)

  8. I'm impressed with you 12 for 12er's. That sounds like an awesome race-- I've never done a trail run. I agree, there is something nice about a run without the pressure of a time goal. I like time goals, but I don't want to run like that every time. Enjoy!!

  9. My mileage has not been what it should be the past few weeks, but I'm trying to get back on track this week and weekend. I can't wait to hear more about the half!

  10. I am so jealous of the 12 in 12. I wish my foot/training was ready for that, but I'm working my way back. I REALLY want to do some trail running this year. Maybe I'll look for a trail race as a goal for later in the year.

  11. I was supposed to run a 5k on January 7, but I threw a baby shower instead.

    It's going to happen soon, though. I just have to pick one.

    Good luck with your training and all!

  12. I'm doing the 12 in 2012, too, and am in California. I consider that half, but am doing one in Roseville this weekend and a different Brazen Racing event in February! Good luck!!

  13. I'm so excited but nervous about 12 in 2012. My first half of the year is tomorrow and it's supposed to be stormy and it could be cancelled. I can't even imagine how hard scheduling races is for you. I have a wide open schedule except for a few weddings but I struggled to find 12 half marathons to do without traveling too far.

    I wanted to tell you that I read Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford for book club this month and it was really good. I'd be happy to mail it to you if you want to borrow it.

  14. Wow 12 in 2012 is an amazing goal all the best....Go Go Go :-)

  15. Way to go! It can't be easy to factor things into such a busy schedule all the time. I look forward to keeping track of where your running journeys take you.

  16. Way to go! It can't be easy to factor things into such a busy schedule all the time. I look forward to keeping track of where your running journeys take you.

  17. Way to go! It can't be easy to factor things into such a busy schedule all the time. I look forward to keeping track of where your running journeys take you.

  18. COOOOOLLLL! That sounds and looks like a fun race :)


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