

California Love

Today, as you are reading this, I am probably doing this:

Source: via Kyria on Pinterest

Actually, if I am lucky, I am doing this instead:

Source: via Kyria on Pinterest

But most likely, I am doing THIS:

Source: via Kyria on Pinterest

Until the race is over and I get my butt in gear to write a recap, I will leave you with a few photos of What I Did Last Week (inspired by Kim) and a few words from Dr. Dre and TuPac: California...knows how to party! 

I went to San Francisco and....

Ate chicken feet (along with a butt-load of other dim sum!)

Walked along the Marina.

Went running here. 

Danced with this guy. Yow.

Dreamed about buying one of these.

Enjoyed this view.

Went to Ocean Beach.

And the Palace of Fine Arts.

All in all, it was a great week! I ate a lot, walked a lot, visited a lot of friends and got to be in my favorite city!

How was your week? Have you ever been to San Francisco? If so, what is your favorite thing to do in the city?


  1. Looks like a great trip. I've never been to S.F. but have it on my list of U.S. cities I want to visit. Wish I had friends there, that would probably make me go sooner. Hope your race went well. :) Jessica

  2. I hope your race is going fantastic!! I can't wait to hear all about it.

    I have never been to San Fransisco but have always wanted to go! I love that you are somewhere new all the time and get to run in new places! Maybe that would motivate me, not the same old boring routes/views ;)

  3. Great pics! I agree that running in new places would be so much fun! I need to find some more interesting routes:) Can't wait to hear about the race! I have been to San Francisco and I love it!

  4. Lisa texted me and let me know you finished and did FANTASTIC! Congrats!! Can't wait for the race report!!

  5. I love SF... We used to go to a neat little bar on Nob Hill for brunch and Bloody Mary's. Lovely!

    And I love to go up to Napa, too.

    Hope your race was awesome!

  6. YAY!!!! that's so awesome you got to be in your favorite city!!! Looking forward to the race recap!!!

  7. I hope your marathon went well! I have always wanted to do CIM!

  8. I love dim sum, but I do not love chicken feet.

    I'm a couple of days behind, but I can't wait to read your race report!

  9. Aw, this post makes me want to come visit especially bad! I mean, I have always wanted to, but seeing these pictures and knowing I"d have a fabulous person to show me around? That sounds awesome!

  10. Just found your blog because I also ran CIM yesterday. It was such a beautiful course!

    Your dedications of each mile to someone in your life is so beautiful. I wish I had thought of that, but will do the same for my next race.

    I look forward to your race report, and congratulations!


  11. Hope your race was great! Your pics are beautiful!

  12. Love San Francisco. Love. Big Love.

    What I love there? The Chinese dim sum.... Love!!!


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