

Good Times!

The last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind of visiting family and friends and eating, with a little running thrown in. This week is my Taper Week, which means that my miles are lowered because the Marathon is only a week away. It is a recovery period before the big day. This means I am running less, but eating more! However, it is all worth it. Here is (inspired by Kim) what I've been up to for the last week or so! **disclaimer: if you are a vegetarian, you may want to look away, as there are pork pieces below**

I found these at Target! I did not think I could get them anywhere but MN! I must have eaten 30 of them this week!

 I went shopping for rugs. I found the perfect one for in front of the fireplace.

I hung out with some pigs at the Annual Pig Roast. Sorry guys, you are going to be dinner soon. 

There's dinner. Pay no attention to the man with the huge beard. He is participating in MoVember. Or MO-BE-mber. Whatever. 

We drove miles in search of this. When we found it, it was good. 

I ran here. Cape Cod Canal. 

And here. Bristol Rail Trail.

Finally got the big camera out. 

I ate ice cream (among other things) with these girls.

I have not downloaded my Turkey Day photos yet, but good times were had by all!

How was your week? Did you have to work on Friday? What did you do for Thanksgiving?


  1. Um excuse me were on the canal and didn't tell me!!! I would have loved to meet up!! Looks like a great week! Only one more week until game time!!! So exciting!!!

  2. Beautiful photos! What I would give for some good pho....

  3. Mmmmmmm Pho. We have countless pho places here in Seattle. I eat it on a weekly basis!

  4. Fun places to run and I'm laughing about the pig for dinner...that's so gross. I am not a fan of meat. BTW, what is all this MOvember talk? I keep hearing that word. :) Jess

  5. You always run in the most beautiful places!

    I did do some work on Friday, but I did it from home in my pjs and I took all day off on Saturday. I have not had two full days off from doing some sort of work in the same week since July!

  6. I keep hearing about how amazing Honey Crisp apples are, but I have yet to try one. I didn't think to check at Target!

  7. You really have ran in some fun places this year. And yea for tracking down some honeycrisp apples. I have been eating one a day for weeks now. Actually 2 months perhaps? They are my fave!

  8. Yayyy Taper week! So excited for your marathon :)


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