

Have You Seen This Food?

There are some really strange foods out there, that you may or may not have seen before. Here are some of the ones that I enjoyed trying, looking at, laughing at, and of course, most importantly, taking photos of while traveling around the world.

Egypt: Chicken Livers

Cambodia: Squid on a Stick

China: Jews Ears (a type of mushroom)

Montenegro: Chicken Pate

Nepal: You thought it was a hamburger, but it's a Yak-burger.

New Zealand: Fejoas (a fruit, not a bean)

Portugal: Caracois (Snails)

Italy: Tiny Octopus Babies, with olive oil, naturally

You can find more weird foods over on WRTR, where I talk about Snake fruit and Dragon fruit!

Have you tried any of these? What other weird foods have you seen or tried?


  1. You have eaten some strange things, my dear! I have not tried anything super weird. I think the oddest thing I have tried was bone marrow and that is really not all that odd actually!

  2. Some of that stuff is just straight up bizarre.

    I love escargot. Octopus wasn't bad, except I hated the texture, mostly because I could feel where the tentacles had been.


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