

Best Time Ever

You all know I was a little excited/nervous for my half marathon, which was on Sunday the 18th. However, as you all predicted, the day of the race went just fine. But let me back up a little.

My Dad came for the weekend to cheer me on and to run the 5k that was also happening on Sunday. On Saturday night, like any good, healthy runner, we had to carb load. At the fair. Yum (Okay, honestly, I had pasta for lunch too. But I did eat almost that entire funnel cake).

Then I got everything ready for the next day (the race was at 7:30 am). 

The next morning, we got up bright and early and went to the starting line. This guy was checking out my butt during the National Anthem. Don't you think? I think he was.

The race was good! I was trying to get under a 2 hour half, which comes out to about 9 minutes per mile. To do this, I set my Garmin so that the PACE was showing and I just made sure to keep it under 9. I didn't look at how many miles I had gone or what my total time was; I just kept making sure it was under 9 minutes/mile. So I did not try using the Yasso method, just the old tried and true.

Afterwards, I had a beer with Dad. Because beer is a really good post workout fuel.

And then we went and did the most important thing, rewarded ourselves with a huge meal, complete with cheeses and a huge desert! 

It was a great race! I am so glad my Dad could come. It sure is nice to have some company, moral support, a cheerleader and a photographer! He even jumped in at the very end and ran the last tenth of a mile with me!

In case you are interested, below is the pace (blue) and elevation (green) graph. It was really hilly and I had to stop and pee around mile 3, but otherwise I kept under a 9 minute pace the whole time.

And the numbers: 

Miles: 13.1
Race Time: 1:52:36
Average Pace: 8:37
Which is 7 minutes faster than my goal had been overall!!
 And 10 minutes faster than I have ever run a half, which makes this:

How was your weekend? Did you run any races? What races do you have coming up? How do you reward yourself after doing something tiring?

Make sure to link up with Jill for Fitness Friday! 
Fitness Friday Blog Hop


  1. Congratulations! Fantastic race!!!

    I think that the potato chips at a fair are about the most yummiest food ever.

    Visiting from FF Blog Hop. Have a great weekend!

  2. That's awesome, congrats on everything! Looks like it was fun, esp the beer at the end, lol. And love your running shirt, so cute.

  3. What a great race you had!!! I so wish I liked running - the dedication runners put into it is so inspiring to me!

  4. Wow!!!!!!! That is amazing time :-) Well done you! You definitly deserve a fun weekend for that one!!

  5. Ok I think I need to come and carb load with you! You know how to do it right!!! Great job on an awesome race!!! I have a half on the 2nd...super nervous but I'm taking a cue from you and getting myself a funnel cake before!

  6. AWESOME on your PR that is fantastic and you looked so good finishing your race!!

  7. What a wonderful race and such a good time with your Dad. Nice.

    And that guy so was totally checking you out!

  8. First off - your dad looks SO young!! Wow, he has aged really well!!! If you had said he was your brother, I would have believed you!

    Great, great, great job on that race - esp w/ those hills!! You rock!

  9. Wow! That's very impressive. There is no way I could run that far. Also, I agree that the dude in that photo did look a little suspicious... hehehe.

  10. way to go lady! you looked amazing...i am motivated!

  11. So happy for you & your PR. I'm sure it must have been the funnel cake that did it! :)

  12. Good job! I used to run (not quite that fast), but alas I'm too lazy now. :-)

  13. So great meeting you this weekend! Congrats on the awesome PR! I love the way that you do your photos! What software do you use for it?

    Oh and that guy was definitely scoping out your butt at the start line.

  14. AMAZING job on a very hilly course! I'm super impressed. Nice work :)


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