

Where I've Lived

You have already seen my Where I Live series. You may or may not know that I travel a lot for work and so therefore have lived in some interesting places. I lived in New Orleans on and off for about 5 years. It is a great city and I can't wait to go back there someday. (You can see more photos of New Orleans on Photography Blog )

The theme today is BLUE, since I am hoping for the quick return of blue skies for my folks back East!  Fill up your bathtubs, buy batteries and don't forget to get money out of the ATM before the power goes out!

Earhart Ave

City Park

St Bernard Parish

Jackson Square

St Louis Cemetery

Rusty Pipes

Where are some of the most interesting places you have lived? Do you live in the path of Irene? Do you have plenty of candles?


  1. the pictures on your blog are breathtaking.

    Thank you for visiting my little corner of the innerwebz. Hope you come back. I'lld efinitely be back here.

  2. I moved from Detroit to NY and 9-11 happened, I then moved from Ny to Houston to work in New Orleans and Katrina happened, then we lived thru Ike in we live in Trinidad and there's a "state of emergency"! I am starting to think Im bad luck! LOL

  3. Beautiful pictures! I have always lived in Montana, love this place, but love seeing the rest of the world too.

  4. I moved to New Orleans right after hurricane Betsy and lived there 30 years. Endured one or two hurricanes, but not much damage. Live in Northeast Georgia (USA) now. Love it.

  5. We lived in Vienna, Austria for a while. I hope that one day we'll get back there. It's an amazing place!

  6. Love this series! Gunna have to say Finland. At least it is now :)


Thanks for commenting! I love to respond to comments, so please check back soon for my reply!