

I Saw The Sign

Hey everyone, For The Love of Blogs is doing a Best in Category Poll! I have been nominated for "Best in Travel". If you are interested in seeing who else is in the running and voting (just click the "like" button below your favorite blogs - I am number 35) you can go HERE and check it out!!

And, since today has been a crazy, tired, busy, worn out Tuesday for me and I need a laugh, I have a few more funny signs that I (of course) had to share with you!

Mayo -- it IS good for you after all!

My stereo is lost. Luckily I am in Missouri.

Sign someone put up on my cubicle wall after the Patriots lost to the Saints.

Now, a substitute for the Murse. (from the New Yorker)

A Christmas card from my Uncle.

Guess where I was when I took this?

So You are Open WHEN?
(In case you can't read this one, it says, "Store Hours. Open most days about 9 or 10. Occasionally as early as 7 but some days as late as 12 or 1. We close about 5:30 or 6. Occasionally about 4 or 5 but sometimes as late as 11 or 12. Some days or afternoons we aren't here at all and lately Ive been here just about all the time except when I am someplace else." )

This was a real sign in New Orleans. You can read the article about it HERE.
Happy sign hunting!! Do you take photos of any weird things?


  1. I just voted for you. :)

    I am often tempted to take pictures of some of the odd/hideous outfits I have seen. But i figure I will never be discrete enough to pull that off, unfortunately!

    THose are some great pics :)

  2. I voted for you! And I loooove that last sign! Who would have guessed that selling crack and selling cats are equally bad things??


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