

Dear Ponytail

Dear Ponytail, 
Please come back! I miss you! My other hair just gets in my face all the time. And we both know I hate confrontation!

Pathetic excuse for a ponytail. (along with umpteen clips!)

dear coworker, 
sentences begin with capital letters. anything else just looks unprofessional.

Dear Coworker, 
Sentences end with periods How else will I know when you are done making your point

Dear Coworker, 
"A part" and "apart" mean two different things! You need to learn to tell them apart.

Dear Weekend, 
I liked you better when you were two days long. One day is barely enough for errands and a nap.  

Dear Blog Commenters, 
A comment that says, "I am following you. Please follow me back at ____" is not acceptable. If I like your blog, I will follow it. If you do that, I will not.

Dear Trader Joes,
I know we haven't seen each other in a while. You live so far away from me now. You and me and (2 buck) Chuck need to get together soon! 
Dear Coffee,
I love you. I can't get enough of you. You really get me going. Grrrr.

Dear Summer, 
Most of the time, you are great. However, you are a little bit too intense right now. I think we need some time apart. (not "a   part")

Dear Sleep,
I wish we could see each other more often. Especially last night. I really needed you.

Dear Andy's Frozen Custard, 
What are you? Are you ice cream? Frozen Yogurt? I may have to go and do some recon to find out. 

Dear California, 
I miss you. Your weather. Your people. Your rivers and mountains! When will I see you again?

Dear Readers, 
What would you like to tell your coworkers/summer/your favorite drink today?


  1. Hahaha I have the same little stubby ponytail since I have short hair. It's annoying but I don't want my hair to get TOO long because then I never do anything with it OTHER than pull it in a ponytail!

  2. Dear People of America~ Since when did "nother" become a word? Instead of saying "it's another situation entirely", it's now "it's a whole nother situation entirely"? Hmmmmm.....

  3. That was hilarious! Thanks for the laugh. I'm not going to ask you to follow me, because that would be weird.

  4. hahaha! Love these!!

    Dear Co-worker who is multiple levels above: next time use spell check. It's spelled phase, not faze.

    Dear humidity: Freaking go away. Enough already

    Dear Eczema: You can go away, too.

    Dear Coconut milk Ice cream: OMG, you are amazing. Now if only every store carried you!

  5. hahaha! Love these!!

    Dear Co-worker who is multiple levels above: next time use spell check. It's spelled phase, not faze.

    Dear humidity: Freaking go away. Enough already

    Dear Eczema: You can go away, too.

    Dear Coconut milk Ice cream: OMG, you are amazing. Now if only every store carried you!

  6. Haha! I've been there with the ponytail - big mistake in the summer heat.

  7. Hahaha these were hilarious. I am not funny or clever enough at this moment to think of my own, but I am totally on board with what you had to say to blog commenters. Very counterproductive to leave such a comment.

  8. I would tell a margarita that Im going to consume her and several of her sisters later on today.

    This Dear list was quite entertaining. You should check out the its pretty funny too.


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