

Road Trip: Day Five (aka Last Day)

Oh the last day of a road trip! You just want to get to your destination, so you don't stop to take photos or go to the Wizard of Oz museum because it is 30 miles off the highway and you don't want to spend another half an hour on the road.

Today's trip: Salina, KS to Des Moines, IA

Have you ever taken a road trip? We used to take them as kids. My dad had a 1970s era motorhome that was orange and white. I remember going to the Grand Canyon. I remember asking him, "how much gas mileage does this thing get?" (I think the answer was about 8 mpg.) I think asked him, "and how much does gas cost?" Then I would figure out how many miles we had to go and how much the entire trip would cost us. That was fun for me.

We would also play the license plate game, which is where you try to find as many different states' license plates as you can. My brother and I had a contest to see who could get the most. I honestly can't tell you who won those games. However, I still play that game, even when I am by myself. I found so many different plates on this drive!

The License Plate Game:
Farthest away plates: Alaska, Maine, Florida
Most common plate (other than states I was in): Minnesota

On this trip, I went through a total of 7 states. California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa. 
Here are some of the stats:
Flattest state: Colorado (I did not go through the Rockies in CO)
Snowiest state: California
Coldest state: Nevada
Warmest state: Kansas

I have to say, call me biased, that the most beautiful state of all the states that I went through was, you guessed it, California. I like trees, preferably green ones that smell like pine. And mountains. If you can have both, that is even better. Although all the other states were beautiful in their own way, I still love California the best!

So, I guess what I am trying to say is that no matter how far you roam, "There's no place like home!"

Which state do think is the most beautiful? and why? 

Highway 70, California


  1. I haven't been to all that many states, but the most beautiful one that I have seen is Colorado. I just love the mountains. I spent a summer & 2 winter breaks during college working at a resort in the mountains and fell in love with this part of the country!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog & commenting! Love your recommendations for my trip to Paris. :)

  2. Wow - I just spent I don't know how much time here reading and looking at your road trip shots - superb ! Amazing that you got the most snow in CA (looked awful cold there and in most other states).

    I've been on countless road trips - loved 'em all. The freedom of the road, seeing many new places, meeting people ... When I was young (?) I used to drive non-stop from Ontario (not the one in CA) to Florida - 24 hrs straight. Now I do it over 2 days - 900mi day 1; 600 mi day 2. Been across Canada half a dozen times and have driven through about 1/2 of the states. Plus all over Europe.

    Yep - love road trips, and loved reading about yours !


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