

Great Migration!

My Dad and I went for a drive the other day to see the migrating birds in the rice paddies between Chico and Yuba City. We couldn't have picked a better day. The weather was perfect, the waters were calm and clear and the reflections were beautiful! We got lucky because it had been overcast in the morning and it cleared up just in time for some photos!

up and away

nut orchard

big sky

1 comment:

  1. Hi I'm a late arrival from Magical Monday blog hop. What fabulous photographs. You were so lucky with the weather too. We have had stacks of birds in our garden recently due to the snow they are getting food we have left out for them. We tried to photograph them but they are quick and somewhat elusive. I'm your newest follower. Being a bit of a traveller myself I'm off to snoop around your blog now if you don't mind and see what else you have photographed.
    Please drop by and maybe follow if you would like. You would be more than welcome. It's just a light humorous blog, no nice photos like this one. :)
    Warm wishes
    Carol from


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