

Three Years of Cheer

Today is Mr. Lovely and my 3rd anniversary. I can’t believe that he has put up with me so long. I know many of you have been married for years and may think 3 is not that many, but I am a real pain in the ass, so it counts as about 3x as much. Tonight, we are going to go to a low key dinner in Kathmandu and maybe even have a glass of wine; that is pretty much it. I am looking forward to it. I am not going to get all gushy; I don't do that. BUT, he is a wonderful travel companion and friend and I am happy to keep him for a little while longer (wink, wink).

1 comment:

  1. happy anniversary you two! i'm loving your nepal mountain trekking posts -- so fantastic to see you in the vicinity of mt. everest.

    much love!


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